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Book: Living Sharia: Law and Practice in Malaysia

The book “Living Sharia: Law and Practice in Malaysia” provides us with diverse and dynamic conceptions of Shari’a in the wider context of Southeast Asia and beyond

Drawing on ethnographic research, Living Sharia examines the role of sharia in the sociopolitical processes of contemporary Malaysia. The book traces the contested implementation of Islamic family and criminal laws and sharia economics to provide cultural frameworks for understanding sharia among Muslims and non-Muslims. Timothy Daniels explores how the way people think about sharia is often entangled with notions about race, gender equality, nationhood, liberal pluralism, citizenship, and universal human rights. He reveals that Malaysians? ideas about sharia are not isolated from- nor always opposed to-liberal pluralism and secularism.

Living Sharia will be of interest to scholars as well as to policy makers, consultants, and professionals working with global NGOs.

About the Author

Timothy P. Daniels is professor of anthropology at Hofstra University. He is the author of Islamic Spectrum in Java and Building Cultural Nationalism in Malaysia, and editor of Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia.

Table of Contents

Note on Transcription
Introduction: Sharia and the Anthropology of Knowledge
1. Sharia in Malaysia: The Historical Background
2. Family Law: Religious Officials, Reasoning Style, and Controversies
3. Criminal Law: Taking the Middle
4. Economics: The Malaysian State, Darul Arqam, and the Islamic Party of Malaysia
5. Pro-Sharia Discourses: Race, Religion, and Nation
6. Contra-Sharia Discourses: Islamic and Secular Human Rights
7. Individuals: Views, Voices, and Practices
Conclusion: Sharia Cultural Models and Sociopolitical

Bibliographic Information

Title: Living Sharia: Law and Practice in Malaysia

Author: Timothy P. Daniels

Publisher: University of Washington Press

 Language: English

Length: 280 pages

ISBN: 978-0295742557

Pub. Date: December 2017

About Ali Teymoori

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