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Book: Islamic Divorces in Europe

The book “Islamic Divorces in Europe: Bridging the Gap between European and Islamic Legal Orders” addresses the issue of the recognition of Islamic divorces in European states.

Repudiation-based divorces are particularly notorious for their presumed violation of fundamental rights of women and are consequently often not recognized. The resulting limping of legal relationships affects other fundamental rights of the persons involved, such as the right to marry and the right of free movement. For this reason, the author scrutinizes classical Islamic divorce law and the contemporary divorce laws and practices of Egypt, Iran, Morocco and Pakistan, as well as the Dutch, English and French recognition policies and relevant EU (case) law. By introducing various soft and hard law solutions, she provides legal practitioners with the information and tools to tackle major shortcomings in the recognition of Islamic divorces. The book is therefore a mustread for legal practitioners such as registrars, notaries and members of the judiciary, as well as academics.

About the Author

Pauline Kruiniger obtained a LLM at Maastricht University. She was granted a subsidy by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to write this book. She regularly publishes and lectures about her research interests concerning Islamic or Middle-Eastern law, rights of women, private international law, interreligious issues and health law.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Divorces in Europe: Bridging the Gap between European and Islamic Legal Orders

Author: Pauline Kruiniger

Publisher: Eleven International Publishing

Language: English

Length: 498 pages

ISBN: 978-9462365018

Pub. Date: 2014

About Ali Teymoori

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