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Book: Islamic Counselling: an Introduction to Theory and Practice

The book is designed as an introduction for counsellors, its goal is to inform the reader about how the diverse roles of the Islamic counsellor fit together in a comprehensive way and to provide the guidelines that can be potentially integrated into a theoretical framework for use.

Islamic counselling is a form of counselling which incorporates spirituality into the therapeutic process. Until now there has been little material available on the subject with no one agreed definition of Islamic counselling and what it involves. There has also been a rapidly growing population of Muslims in Western societies with a corresponding rise in need of psychological and counselling services. Islamic Counselling: An Introduction to theory and practice presents a basic understanding of Islamic counselling for counsellors and Islamic counsellors, and provides an understanding of counselling approaches congruent with Islamic beliefs and practices from a faith-based perspective.

The book is designed as an introduction for counsellors, its goal is to inform the reader about how the diverse roles of the Islamic counsellor fit together in a comprehensive way and to provide the guidelines that can be potentially integrated into a theoretical framework for use. The book is divided into two parts. Section one: Context and Background, and Section two: Assessment, Models and Intervention Strategies.

Islamic Counselling encompasses both current theory, research and an awareness of the practice implications in delivering appropriate and effective counselling interventions with Muslim clients. It will be essential reading for both professionals and students alike.

Table of Contents

Part I: Context and Background

Islam and Muslims

 Counselling and Islamic Counselling

Spirituality and Islamic Counselling

Understanding Human Nature and Personality Development in the Islamic Context

 Psychological Health: Cultural & Religious Influences

Understanding the Muslim Client

Islamic Ethics Related to Counselling

Part II: Assessment, Models and Intervention Strategies

General Guidelines for the Assessment of Muslim Clients

Psychodynamic Counselling and Therapy

Humanistic Approach: Client-Centred Counselling

Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Pre-Marital and Marital Counselling

Religious Coping Strategy and Spiritual Interventions

Towards an Islamic Counselling Practice Model

Counselling and Addiction

Counselling for Alcohol Problems

The Role of the Imam in Counselling

Challenges, Strategies and Competence.

About Author

G. Hussein Rassool (PhD, University of London) is Head of Department, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Online University, responsible for the Certificate, Diploma and BA (Psychology from an Islamic Perspective). He is the Executive Director & Consultant of Sakina Counselling Institute & Research.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Counselling: an Introduction to Theory and Practice

Author: G. Hussein Rassool

Publisher: Routledge

 Language: English

Length: 282 pages

ISBN: 978-0415742689

Pub. Date: July 22, 2015

About Ali Teymoori

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  1. Hello,
    Where can I download a pdf version of this book? can you send me to my email?

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