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Book: An Introduction to the Rights and Duties of Women in Islam

This book addresses issues on the status and standing of women, their social, political, and cultural activities, housewifery, art, freedom, lifestyle, natural and acquired rights, and other issues from Islamic point of view.

According to Islam, women and men alike possess the lofty status of humanity because they are both equally human.

The fact that noble Adam (‘a) was able to understand the Names and explain them was due to his unique genesis as a human and men and women are equal in this genesis. In general, all extolments in the Quran and Hadith regarding humans encompass both women and men. There is no verse in the Quran that reproaches women for being women.

Therefore, according to Islam and the Quran, men and women are equally human, they are no different in worth, and they possess common responsibilities in managing the society.

Bibliographic Information

Title: An Introduction to the Rights and Duties of Women in Islam

Author: Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini

Translator: Abozar Ahmadi

Language: English

Length: 254 pages

ISBN: 978-9645297228

Pub. Date: 2011

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