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Book: A Concise Description of Islamic Law and …

The book “Al-Nihāyah: a Concise Description of Islamic Law and Legal Opinions”-written by Sheikh Tusi- is an excellent reference book and textbook for Studies in Islamic law.

Authored in the eleventh century, al-Nihāyah remains a jurisprudential classic. Initially written as a shariah guide to issues as diverse as ritual worship, business transactions, and civil law, it offers the modern reader a unique insight into early Shiʿa Islamic jurisprudence as well as the habits and customs of the Muslim world at the time. Written by one of the pioneers of the development of the Islamic legal system, Shaikh Mohammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali Abu Ja‘far al-Tusi, this work was recognised as one of the major early sources of, references for, and textbooks on Islamic law in the Shiʿi school of thought. An excellent reference book and textbook for studies in Islamic law.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: The Book of Physical Cleanliness (taharah) and Ablution (ritual cleansing; major and minor ablutions, wudu’ and ghusl)

Chapter Two: The Book of Prayer (salat)

Chapter Three: The Book of Fasting (sawm)

Chapter Four: Book of Religious, Charity, Alms, Islamic Tax (zakat)

Chapter Five: Book of Pilgrimage (hajj)

Chapter Six: The Book of Holy Struggle and Combat (Jihad), the Life History and Lifestyle (sirah and sunnah) of the Imams

Chapter Seven: The Book of Debts (dayn, pl. diyun), Remittance (hawalat) and Giving another Person the Power of Representation/Attorney (wakalah) and the Ruling about Lost Property (luqatah)

Chapter Eight: Book of Giving Testimony, Evidence and Witnessing (shahadah)

Chapter Nine: Book of Judgments, Legal/Court Cases (qadaya) and their Rulings and Precepts (ahkam)

Chapter Ten: Book of Occupations, Professions and Commercial Activities (makasib)

Chapter Eleven: Book of Trade, Commerce and Transactions (matajir)

Chapter Twelve: Book of Marriage (nikah)

Chapter Thirteen: Book of Divorce (talaq)

Chapter Fourteen: Book of Oaths (ayman), Solemn Vows (nudhur) and Compensation or Penalties (kaffarah/expiation/atonement fee)

Chapter Fifteen: Book of Hunting and Slaughtering Animals (al-sayd wa al-dhaba’ib)

Chapter Sixteen: Book of Foods and Drinks (al-at’imah wa al-ashribah)

Chapter Seventeen: Book of Religious Endowments and Charities (waqf and sadaqah)

Chapter Eighteen: Book of Bequests, Wills and Testaments (wasiyyah)

Chapter Nineteen: Book of Inheritance and the Shares of Heirs (mawarith)

Chapter Twenty: Book of Fixed (non-discretionary) Penalty and Punishments (hudud) and disciplinary/discretionary measures (ta’zir)

Chapter Twenty One: Book of Expiation, Atonement Fees and Compensations (diyat)

Bibliographic Information

Title: Al-Nihāyah: a Concise Description of Islamic Law and Legal Opinions

Author: Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi

Translator: Abolfazl Ezzati

Publisher: Islamic College for Advanced Studies (London)

Language: English

Length: 560 pages

ISBN: 978-1904063292

Pub. Date: 2008

About Ali Teymoori

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