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Book: A Short Treatise on the Life of Imam Ali (as)

This book “A Short Treatise on Life of Imam Ali (‘a)” discusses different aspects of the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a). The author discusses the following topics: Ali & Politics and governance, Ali & Jihad, Ali & Nahj al-Balagah and Ali & reality of death.

The book  is written by late Allamah Muhammad Taqi Jafari (r.a.) and has been translated by Mr. Kazem Bujani in English in one volume and 138 pages. The AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly Publications has published the book in crown octavo size and made it available to those who are interested.

About the Author

Allameh Muhammad-Taqi Ja’fari (15 August 1925 – 16 November 1998) was an Iranian Shi’a scholar, philosopher, intellectual, and Islamic theologist. He was an expert in various fields such as history, logic, metaphysics, philosophy, literature, mysticism, jurisprudence, and philosophy of science.

Bibliographic Information

Title: A Short Treatise on the Life of Imam Ali (as)

Author(s): Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari

Translator: Kazim Bhojani

Publisher: Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly (ABWA) Publishing and Printing Center

 Language: English

Length: 140 pages

ISBN: 978-9966198525

Pub. Date: 2014

A Short Treatise on the Life of Imam Ali (as)

About Ali Teymoori

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