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Ayatollah Sobhani Delivers Official Letter to the Oman’s Grand Mufti

The stories published by the media over the attempts made by Oman to prepare a proper ground for establishing friendly relations with the Zionist Regime are highly questionable. The brave Islamic scholars, especially your excellency, are, therefore, expected to warn the relevant authorities against the perils, negative consequences, and disadvantages of such an act for Islam and the Muslims.

Iranian ambassador to the Oman submitted the letter of the Ayatollah Sobhani regarding the unity of the Muslim world to the Grand Mufti of the Oman.

According to the Ijtihad Network, Iranian ambassador to the Oman, Hujatolislam Muhammad Reza Shahroudi together with the Iranain cultural counselor in Muscat, Sayyid ali Musavi, met and talked with Ahmad Bin Hamad Al-Khalili, The Oman’s Great Mufti.

In this meeting which was held in the Mufti’s office, the two sides discussed the latest developments of the Muslim World as well as bilateral relations.  Moreover, the Iranian ambassador delivered the Mufti a letter written by Ayatollah Sobhani in Sha’ban 4, 1440 A.H.

Due to the significance of the letter, its full translation together with its original Persian text are hereby published.

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

To His Excellency Sheikh Allamah Ahmad Al-Khalili, the Great Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman

Salamun Alaykum wa Rahmatollah wa Barakatoh

I met his excellency Mr. Jebraili from the Sultanate of Oman who offered me your invaluable gift, i.e., your message titled as “where is the Islamic Ummah heading to?”. I found in the letter your practical answer to our proposal concerning holding a conference on the Takifiri trouble which has been spread among the members of the Muslim World because of ignorance regarding the principles of Islam and the criteria defined for the faith and the atheism.In that precious message, you had elaborated on the problem and the solutions considered for it.

May the Almighty Allah accept your admirable efforts in calling for unity within the Muslim World.

In reply to your letter, I’ would like to offer you a suggestion which I came up to, and I hope that it would be accepted by you and be considered in the prospective editions of the letter. The suggestion includes the following points to consider:

1-Referring to a juristic principle that the blood of a person who testifies to the unity of Allah (Tawhid) would not be shed unless otherwise decreed by the Islamic Law, you narrated a Hadith quoted by Ibn Omar from Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) which reads as follows: “I was ordered to fight against those treacherous hostile unbelievers who waged for the battle of Khaybar so that they would testify to the oneness of Allah and my prophethood as the Messenger of God (Shahadatayn)”. However, in my opinion, you had better quoted what Moslim has quoted in his book ‘Sahih Bukhari’ from Abu Hurairah where he writes: Abu Hurairah narrates that in the Khaybar day, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:  “I would give this banner to the one who loves Allah and His Prophet, with whose hands the Almighty Allah would secure the victory for us”. At this moment, Omar Ibn Khattab said that he never liked governance until that day.

 “We all wished to receive the banner from Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), but he called Ali Ibn Abi Talib and gave him the banner, then ordered him to go fight against those people and never return unless The Almighty Allah helps Muslims triumph over them through your hands”, Abu Hurairah quoted. Ali Ibn Abi Talib took a few steps, then without taking any step back, he called the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and asked him what should he fight against those people for. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied: “fight with them so that they testify to the unity of Allah and my prophethood as the Messenger of Allah (to say the Shadatayn. i.e., to say that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (لا اله الا الله و ان محمدرسول الله)).If they did so, you have to secure their bloods and properties from any harm, and from then on, their account would only remain with Allah”. The second Hadith is undoubtedly better and more comprehensive than the first one. Moreover, its reference to the name of Ali (P.B.U.H) makes it blessed and honored.

2- You have described the living conditions of Pre-Islamic Arabia as follows: The Mission of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) started when a long time had passed from the Ministry of the last Prophet of Allah, the Revelation had been ceased, the minds were misguided, the morals were corrupted, the values had been degenerated, the people were disunited etc. However, for the delineation of Pre-Islamic Arabia, you had better cited Imam Ali (A.S), the Lord of speech, from his 26 Sermon as referred to in Nahj al-Balagha where he described the living conditions of the Arab people before the commencement of the Prophet Muhammad’s Mission as follows: “Allah sent Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) as a Warner (against vice) for all the worlds and as trustee of His revelation, while you people of Arabia were following the worst religion and residing in rough stones amongst the venomous serpents. You used to drink dirty water and ate filthy food. You would shed blood of each other and cared not for relationship. Idols were fixed among you and you were clung to sins”.

3- I highly appreciate your expressing extreme sorriness concerning the fact that Muslims have forgotten their most important issue, i.e. “The Issue of Palestine”, having buried it under a pile of troubles. I certainly became happy to hear your position in that regard, but the stories published by the media over the attempts made by Oman to prepare a proper ground for establishing friendly relations with the Zionist Regime are highly questionable. The brave Islamic scholars, especially your excellency, are, therefore, expected to warn the relevant authorities against the perils, negative consequences, and disadvantages of such an act for Islam and the Muslims.

4- Your message really did justice to the Takfiri trouble, offering comprehensive advices to the pure hearts and receptive ears. However, what should seriously be taken into account is the denouncement of those who financially support Takfiri terrorists. Where do these terrorists acquire such deadly weapons and destructive military equipment from?

That is my message to you and if you accept my words, it would be a favor from The Almighty Allah, He Who guides people to the righteous path.

Wa Salamun Alaykum wa Rahmatollah wa Barakatoh

Jaffar Sobhani

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) Institute, the holy city of Qom, Iran.

Sha’ban 4, 1440 A.H.

About Ali Teymoori

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