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Ayatollah Sistani’s Views on “Whoever Weeps for Imam Hussain to Enter Paradise” Hadith

Ayatollah Sistani answers question about authenticity of the Hadith attributed to Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) in which it says “Paradise is promised to whoever weeps or feigns weeping for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him.”


Our dear Supreme Clerical Authority, what is your opinion about the authenticity of the speech by Imam Sadiq, “Whoever weeps or feigns weeping for Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) is entitled to enter Paradise”?

Ayatollah Sistani’s Answers:

It’s been narrated in a number of speeches, some of which are authentic, by the Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them) that Paradise is promised to whoever weeps for Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) — some other speeches state that Paradise is also promised to whoever feigns weeping for Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) or feigns weeping when they hear poetry recited about Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him).

Unsurprisingly, narrations have been reported by Sunni and Shia Muslims that a number of acts a Muslims can do can entitle them to enter Paradise, but not with committing wrongdoings, for wrongdoings may prevent good deeds from being accepted by God; therefore, even those good deeds that entitle their performers to enter Paradise will not be of great help.

Weeping indicates heartfelt emotions expressed by the one who weeps, and weeping for Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) denotes true faithfulness to the Prophet Mohammed and his pure family (Peace Be Upon Them) and commitment to the principles the Imam was martyred for. Moreover, it’s widely known that Imam Hussain’s revolution has shaken history, the thrones of tyrants and affirmed the Islamic values in the hearts of true Muslim believers.

Feigning weeping doesn’t mean weeping in front of others, but it means attempting to weep for something one realizes is real and worth weeping for — but, one may experience unemotionality and therefore attempts to weep by feigning weeping, hoping that their heart may react emotionally and respond to the call of the mind. Similarly, as mentioned in the Noble Quran, Paradise is also promised to whoever weeps or feigns weeping when they hear the name of God, Exalted be He, mentioned.

source: shafaqna

About Ali Teymoori

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