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Ayatollah Sistani’s Representative Urges Palestine Support in Meeting with Pope Delegation

Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalayi, the representative of grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani in Karbala, reiterated support for the people of Palestine in the face of the Zionist regime’s brutal aggression.

“We stand by the oppressed wherever they are in the world, including the Palestinians who are facing oppression and genocide,” Sheikh al-Karbalayi said during a meeting with a delegation from the Vatican.

He deplored Israel’s continued campaign of killing in the Gaza Strip, noting that thousands have lost their lives in Gaza, some 70 percent of whom are women and children.

The senior cleric underlined that humanitarian principles necessitate backing the oppressed Palestinians.

He further asked the Vatican delegation to convey his greetings to Pope Francis.

The delegation, led by the Pope’s representative, visited Sheikh al-Karbalayi, who has undergone a surgery, in his home in Karbala.

More than 16,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli regime in Gaza since it launched its deadly attacks on the coastal enclave in October 7.

Nearly two months into Israel’s bloody onslaught, the regime is wreaking havoc across every corner of the territory, leaving a trail of death and destruction also cutting off one of the most densely-populated places in the world from basic supplies such as water, electricity, medicines, and fuel leaving millions of Palestinians at risk of starvation.


About Ali Teymoori

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