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Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari in Picture

Ayatollah Khownsari was from the lineage of the 7th Imam, Imam Musa Kadhim (A, S), and was the son of Allamah Sayyid Asadullah. Ayatollah Khownsari was introduced to the knowledge of Islam from a very young age.

What follows are some rare pictures of Ayatollah Khawnsari:

Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari in his middle age
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari and his son in India
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari and Ayatollah Sayyid AbulQassim Kashani
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari in Tehran
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari in his trip to Hamdedn, Iran
Ayatollah Khawnsari’s Kharij Class in Feyziyyah Seminary, Qom
Ayatollah Khawnsari and Ayatollah Araki in Qom, Iran
Ayatollah Khawnsari and Ayatollah Sayyid AbulQassim Kashani
Ayatollah Khawnsari is behind Ayatollah Sayyid Hussain Broujerdi performing funeral prayer for Ayatollah Fayd Qomi
Ayatollah Khawnsari in Tehran
Ayatollah Broujerdi, Ayatollah Kashani and Ayatollah Khawnsari
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari in Fayziyyah Seminary, Qom, Iran
Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Khawnsari
Ayatollah Khawnsari with people of Qom are ready to pray for rain

Ayatollah Khawnsari and his som Sayyid Muhammad Baqir

About Ali Teymoori

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