Home / All / Fiqh & Socitey / Ayatollah Mousavi Nezhad Passes away in Iranian City of Mashhad

Ayatollah Mousavi Nezhad Passes away in Iranian City of Mashhad

Senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Mousavi Nezhad, Director of Mousavi Nezhad Hawza Ilmiyya and teacher of Ethics, has passed away in the city of Mashhad.


Ayatollah Mousavi Nezhad died at the age of 85 on Wednesday morning a month after being hospitalized in the holy city of Mashhad due to brain stroke.

Ayatollah Mousavi nezhad

Ayatollah mousavi nezhad

mousavi nezhad

mousavi nezhad

About Ali Teymoori

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