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Ayatollah Khamenei Is the Leader of Millions around the World

While emphasizing that the logic of imposing sanctions and laying economic and political siege to nations is useless, al-Hakim stated, “Sanctions against the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who is not only the head of a big country but also the spiritual leader of millions of people around the world, will hurt their feelings and will not pave the way for resolving the crisis at all.”

David Shinker, an assistant to the US Secretary of State, went to the office of the National Wisdom Movement in Iraq and met with Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of this movement. He discussed the latest political situation in Iraq and the region with al-Hakim.

In this meeting, Amar al-Hakim emphasized, “The opposition option chosen by the National Wisdom Movement is a right that the constitution has recognized.”

“The opposition is one of the two arms of democracy that settles the political system, and in the light of it, the government performance is evaluated and the trend of affairs develops properly. The opposition is not going to target the government”, said al-Hakim.

Asking all to settle the situation down, the leader of the National Wisdom Movement requested all parties to voice their opposition to war through tangible practical acts, so that the nations of the region can benefit from their facilities and resources.

While emphasizing that the logic of imposing sanctions and laying economic and political siege to nations is useless, al-Hakim stated, “Sanctions against the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who is not only the head of a big country but also the spiritual leader of millions of people around the world, will hurt their feelings and will not pave the way for resolving the crisis at all.”

About Ali Teymoori

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