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Ali Teymoori

Jihad and Shahadat by Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmoud Taleqani

What is the meaning of jihad in Islam? How has Islam progressed? How many human casualties were caused by this great intellectual, social, and moral revolution which appeared in the Arabian peninsula? Were the wars of the beginning of the Islamic era defensive or offensive? These questions in themselves are so extensive that if we decided to discuss them all in detail we would not have enough time to focus on the...

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Allāma al-Hilli and the Early Reception of Katibi’s Shamsiya

In the following article, the writer examines how the commentary Ḥillī wrote on the Shamsīya, al-Qawāʿid al-jalīya fī sharḥ al-Risāla al-Shamsīya, firts in with his other works on logic, and how it responds to Kātibī’s logical program in general and to the syllogistic in particular. Al-Risāla al-Shamsīya fī l-qawāʿid al-manṭiqīya …

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