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‘Ask A Muslim’ Event Scheduled at Centerville Library

An “Ask A Muslim” program will be included in the annual meeting of the Centerville-Washington Diversity Council on this Friday.

Local dermatologist Dr. Saeed Al-bezreh, a scholar in Islam and social justice, will speak about his experience as a Muslim in today’s world and answer questions from the general public during the free event.

The goal of the event is to provide a medium for community members to ask questions about Islam and help dispel myths about the religion.

Results of a recently completed public survey commissioned by the Diversity Council will also be shared during the meeting.

The event will be held 4-5:30 p.m. Friday at the Centerville Library, 111 W. Spring Valley Pike. Light refreshments will be available. Advance registration is not required. For more information, email the council at cwdcchair@gmail.com.


About Ali Teymoori

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