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Article: Digital Islamic Law: Purpose and Prospects

Although this sentiment dominates the current digital landscape, information about Islamic law and history often remains bound to its physical form and to the price of acquiring it.

“Information wants to be free.” Although this sentiment dominates the current digital landscape, information about Islamic law and history often remains bound to its physical form and to the price of acquiring it. One should not have to travel to several countries or be associated with the handful of institutions with large collections in these fields to gain access to these sources (which can still be onerous once there). But this is precisely the case for those who aim to do serious, comparative, or otherwise broad-ranging work in Islamic law. For Islamic law, there is a persistent problem of access and ease of use.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Article: Digital Islamic Law: Purpose and Prospects

Author: Intisar A. Rabb and Sharon Tai

Published in: International Journal of Middle East Studies,Volume 50, Issue 1, February 2018. Pp 113-118

 Language: English

Length: 5 pages

About Ali Teymoori

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