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Analyzing the Interaction between Islam and Ideology in the Political Thought of Hassan al-Banna and Ayatollah Khomeini

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between Islam and ideology through the thoughts and works of Ayatollah Khomeini and Hassan al-Banna, who led Islamic movements.

To achieve this aim, the study will examine the fundamental elements of their political thoughts, ideological approaches, and social impacts. Specifically, it will explore how Khomeini used Shia theology to garner support from both religious and secular communities during the revolution and his efforts to export the regime post-revolution. Additionally, it will assess Khomeini’s efforts in three crucial areas—nationalism, Islamism, and anti-imperialism—to reinstate Iran’s Shia values and ideology. Similarly, the study will analyze al-Banna’s evaluation of Islam as a “system” and his contributions through the Muslim Brotherhood organization. Al-Banna’s ideological foundation includes anti-imperialist principles and the argument that there is no separation between religion and the state, advocating for an approach where Islam encompasses all aspects of life. This research will be conducted using a qualitative method, focusing on the works and discourses of these two intellectuals. The study aims to provide an in-depth examination of how both thinkers established the relationship between Islam and ideology and the impact of this relationship on contemporary Islamic movements.

Bibliographic Information

Thesis Title:  Analyzing the Interaction between Islam and Ideology in the Political Thought of Hassan al-Banna and Ayatollah Khomeini

Author(s): Lokman Cömert

Published in: Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies 6/1 (Haziran 2024)

 Language: English

Length: 20 Pages

Analyzing the Interaction between Islam and Ideology in the Political Thought of Hassan al-Banna and Ayatollah Khomeini

About Ali Teymoori

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