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Al-Mahdi Institute Research Bursaries for Doctoral Project

A number of small grants and bursaries are available to encourage the development and publication of research in line with the aims and objectives of Al-Mahdi Institute.

Current bursaries available include:

Doctoral Project Completion Fund

This is an open competition for small grants of up to £2500, eligible to non-AMI doctoral students who are within one year of submission of their PhD dissertations with the view of assisting them in seeing their work through to completion. Researchers who demonstrate a clear ability to impact mainstream academia, and whose projects reflect and contribute to the research aims of the Institute will be considered for support, subject to terms & conditions.

Note: Bursaries can be applied for on a rolling basis with consideration of applications bi-annually.

For consideration in the first round of awards, applications must be received by 30th March, and for the second round of awards, by no later than 30th September in each calendar year.

 Application Process: To apply, please submit the following information by post:

– Letter of current standing from your principal supervisor stating your expected submission date.

– Academic reference (from a referee other than your principal supervisor).

– Thesis abstract and chapter-by-chapter outline of the thesis.

– A statement of the expected contribution and impact of the completed work.

– Current CV.

Please submit the information by post to: Doctoral Project Completion Fund , Research & Outreach Coordinator, Al-Mahdi Institute, Weoley Park Road, Birmingham, B29 6RB

For further queries, please contact our Research & Outreach Coordinator: sakina.jaffer@almahdi.edu

About the Institute

The Al-Mahdi Institute was established in 1993 with the objective of contributing to Muslim religious scholarship and learning, with particular emphasis on the Twelver Imāmī (Ithnāʿasharī) tradition, through engagement with both historical and contemporary discourses. The Institute’s activities are marked by its non-dogmatic, open philosophy, coupled with an attention to scholarly rigour. This facilitates the pursuit of excellence across a range of perspectives that are not necessarily confined to the theological and religious heritage of any particular tradition. The Al-Mahdi Institute seeks to explore the relationship of religious ideas to all dimensions of contemporary thought and culture in a spirit whereby the human face of Islam, epitomised in the teachings of the Prophet Muḥammad and his impeccable progeny, can inform the holistic development of all individuals and societies.

About Ali Teymoori

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