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A Profile of Hazrat-e Ayatollah Al-Ozma Sayyid Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi+pdf

Ayatollah al-Ozma Sayyid Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi is considered as one of the most prominent students of the late Marja’, Ayatollah Ozma Sayyid Muhammad Bagher Sadr.

In recognition of his services to Islam, the Muslims and Howzahs and according to the amount of our knowledge about him, we found it necessary to offer a summary of the most important periods of his religious and scientific life and his intellectuals, cultural, jihadi and political positions; in the hope of providing an opportunity for the youth to know and consider him as an exemplar of their lives.

Bibliographic Information

Title: A Profile of Hazrat-e Ayatollah Al-Ozma Sayyid Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi

Compiler:  Sayyid Mahmoud Khatib

Publisher: …

 Language: English


Pub. Date:  2015/08/09

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About Ali Teymoori

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