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Book: Islamic Law and Transnational Diplomatic Law

This book, in its effort to formulate compatibility between Islamic law and the principles of international diplomatic law, argues that the need to harmonize the two legal systems and have a thorough cross-cultural understanding amongst nations generally with a view to enhancing unfettered diplomatic cooperation should be of paramount priority.

‘Dr. Ismail shows how Islamic law and international diplomatic law are mutually reinforcing and largely complementary. Where there is divergence, there can be harmonization: the nature of his project is conversation, not conflict. Dr. Ismail has produced a rigorous work that blends theoretical inquiry and examples from Muslim State practice. This is an important contribution to the existing scholarship that, it is hoped, will enhance compliance in the area of diplomatic privileges and immunities.’ – Robert P. Barnidge, Jr., Lecturer and Coordinator of International Relations, Department of History, Politics, and International Relations, Webster University, USA

‘Dr. Ismail shows how Islamic law and international diplomatic law are mutually reinforcing and largely complementary. Where there is divergence, there can be harmonization: the nature of his project is conversation, not conflict. Dr. Ismail has produced a rigorous work that blends theoretical inquiry and examples from Muslim State practice. This is an important contribution to the existing scholarship that, it is hoped, will enhance compliance in the area of diplomatic privileges and immunities.’ – Robert P. Barnidge, Jr., Lecturer and Coordinator of International Relations, Department of History, Politics, and International Relations, Webster University, USA

About the Author

Muhammad-Basheer .A. Ismail currently lectures international law and Islamic law of transactions at the College of Law, Osun State University, Nigeria. He attended University of Hull, UK where he obtained Doctorate degree in international law. He received his LL.B (Islamic and Common Laws) and LL.M degrees from Bayero University, Kano and Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in 1991 and 2001 respectively. He was enrolled as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in December 1992. He is an experienced Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria having widely practiced law at all levels of Courts ranging from the Magistrate, High Courts through to the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Table of Content


Historical Overview of the Universality of Diplomatic Practice

Sources of Islamic and International Diplomatic Law: Between Tension and Compatibility

A General Overview of Diplomatic Immunity in International Diplomatic Law and Islamic Law

Diplomatic Immunity in Muslim States: Islamic Law Perspective on Muslim State Practice

Terrorist Attacks on Diplomatic Institutions: Jihad and Islamic Law Viewpoints


Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Law and Transnational Diplomatic Law A Quest for Complementarity in Divergent Legal Theories

Author: Muhammad-Basheer .A. Ismail

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Language: English

Length: 280 pages

ISBN: 978-1-137-55876-3

Pub. Date: January 13, 2016

Below is some pages of the Book:


Historical Overview of the Universality of Diplomatic Practice









Sources of Islamic and International Diplomatic Law: Between Tension and Compatibility

A General Overview of Diplomatic Immunity in International Diplomatic Law and Islamic Law

Diplomatic Immunity in Muslim States: Islamic Law Perspective on Muslim State Practice

Terrorist Attacks on Diplomatic Institutions: Jihad and Islamic Law Viewpoints


About Ali Teymoori

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