Called upon God Almighty, the Network of Virtual Universities of the Islamic World will provide an international conference on jurisprudence, law, and religious research with the effective support of academic, academic, and academic bodies.
Given the importance of the issue as well as its constructive role in society, the organizers expect the conference to be held in greater detail with the participation of officials, professionals, engineers, experts and experts. Up to presenting the latest scientific and experimental articles and achievements of the world by researchers and researchers in order to promote the scientific level with the aim of enhancing the development and promotion of fundamental science and techniques in this field and finally increasing productivity and ultimately comprehensive and correct development of society. Take it. The conference organizers will organize the above conference with the aim of providing an opportunity to exchange information and present research and scientific achievements of scholars, researchers and practitioners in different fields. The Scientific and Executive Secretariat’s approach to the conference is to involve all scientific and professional centers, engage with relevant national and international associations, and invite eminent scholars on the one hand to enhance scientific engagement on the one hand, and to foster scientific self-reliance in the country. There are issues and challenges of the day.
Conference Topics
Religious Research
Islamic sciences
Social Sciences
Theology and Islamic Sciences
Islamic economy
Studies of Islamic Civilization
Religious Studies and Religious Sciences
Important Data
Deadline for Submission Papers: December 2020
Deadline for Registration and Payment: December 2020
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Conference Date: December 2020
Website: iccad