Home / Conferences / The Road Traveled: 9th Annual International Islamophobia Conference

The Road Traveled: 9th Annual International Islamophobia Conference

The theme for the ninth annual International Islamophobia Conference is framed by a critical article written by Professor S. Sayyid and Abdoolkarim Vakil on the occasion of Runnymede Trust publishing, “Islamophobia: Still a Challenge for us all”.


Venue: Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall &  370 Dwinelle Hall UC Berkeley

Conference Date: April 27 to 28

FRIDAY, APRIL 27:  Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall, UC Berkeley 

8:30am – 8:45am: City of Berkeley Proclamation
Presented by Councilwoman Cheryl Davila

8:45-9:10am:  Welcome & Conference Opening
Hatem Bazian, Director, IRDP, UC Berkeley and Zaytuna College

9:15am – 9:45am: Conference Theme – Keynote: The Road Travelled: Looking at the Field 20 Years After the Runnymede Trust Report
Salman Sayyid, Director of the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, University of Leeds

Panel 1:  10:15am – 11:45am: From “Race Matters” to Racializing Muslims and Shari’a

Mark Fathi Massoud, UC Santa Barbara
Kathleen M. Moore, UC Santa Barbara
Shari’a Matters: Race, Law, and Religion Among American Muslims

Marwa Abdalla, Department of Communication at San Diego State University
The Rhetorical Functions of Hijab in Discourses on Islam, Muslims, and Islamophobia

Chair:  Victoria E. Robinson, Director of American Cultures Program and Comparative Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

12:00 noon – 2:30pm Lunch Break 

For those observing Friday prayers, Juma’ Prayers are held on campus at 1:15PM at Hearst Gymnasium, a short walking distance from Boalt Hall School of Law and volunteers can provide direction.

Panel 2: 2:30pm – 4:15pm: Securing the “Nation” and Surveilling the Muslim Subject

Saul Takahashi, Japan Representative of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and Waseda University
Blanket police surveillance of Muslims in Japan: Muslims as a ‘security risk’

Paula Thompson, Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union
Cyber (in)Security: Islamophobia, Networks and Cyberspace

Hagar Elsayed, University of Windsor Law School in Canada
On the Path of Radicalization: Policing of Muslim Americans Post 9/11

Baptiste Brodard, Swiss Centre for Islam and Society, University of Fribourg in Switzerland
Institutional Islamophobia in Switzerland: the case of the prison system and statutory social services

Chair:  Stephen Small, UC Berkeley, Department of African American Studies

4:30pm – 5:15pm: Book Release 

Khaled Beydoun, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and IRDP Affiliated Faculty
American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear

Chair: Hatem Bazian, Director, IRDP, UC Berkeley and Zaytuna College

5:15pm – 6:30pm: Documentary-Special Screening  

Saturday 28th, 2018: 370 Dwinelle Hall, Uc Berkeley

Panel 3:  9:00am – 10:45am: Media Discourses: The Muslim Elephant that Never Leaves the Screen

Nawroos Shibli, Balsillie School of International Affairs at the University of Waterloo
“They hate us for our freedom:” [Mis]Representations of Islam in American Media, A Discourse Analysis”

Mariusz Bogacki, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Defining Islamophobia and its socio-political applications in the light of Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

Diba Ataie, Department of International & Multicultural Education, Human Rights Education Program, University of San Francisco
Reconciling Hyphenated Identities: Muslim American Youth Reflection on College Life in the Midst of Islamophobia.

Chair: Kristin George, Sociology Department, UC Berkeley.

10:45AM – 11:15AM: Second Keynote on the Conference Theme – What’s in a Name? Islamophobia, Anti- Muslim Racism, and the Weaponizing of Free Speech

Jasmin Zine, Wilfrid Laurier University

Panel 4: 11:30am – 1:00pm: Understanding Islamophobia in the Asian Context

Prashant Waikar, S. Rajarantnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
The Genealogy of Anti-Malay/Muslim Racism in Singapore: Studying Racism Through Racist Language

Junaid Ahmad, Director for the Center for Global Dialogue at the University of Management of Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Native Islamophobia in Contemporary Pakistan

Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, A Graduate School of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Islamophobia in the Discourse of Indonesian Right Wing Christian Movements

Chair:  Maxwell Leung, CA College of the Arts

1:00pm – 2:30 pm Lunch Break 

Panel 5: 2:30pm – 4:00pm: Re-Visiting and Re-Producing the Orientalist Subject

Mattias Gardell, Director of Research at the Centre for the Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Islamophobia and the Origins of Race and Racism

Maryyum Mehmood, Department of War Studies, King’s College London
Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism & Racism: Understanding Racialization of Muslim & Jewish Identities

Omar Salha, Centre for Islamic Studies and Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS University of London
Power, Empire and Colonial Rule: Re-Orientalism of the Muslim Object

Chair: Marianne Farina, CSC, Dominican School of Philosophy and the Theology

Panel 6:  4:15pm – 6:00pm: Learning and Unlearning Islamophobia

May Kosba, Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union
Hermeneutics of Civilizing Islam

Amna Salameh, Sacramento State University and IRDP
Naved Bakali, Tabah’s Futures Initiative, UAE
Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project Report on Countering Islamophobia in Public Schools

Robert Beshara, University of West Georgia
Towards Critical Islamophobia Studies

Ayse Kok. Graduate of Oxford University
Technology or Ideology? The (Mis-) Assumption of Neutrality of Technology

Chair: Khalid Kadir, International & Area Studies, UC Berkeley

Sunday April 29th, 2018 – 370 Dwinelle Hall, Uc Berkeley

Panel 7: 9:30am – 11:00am: Islamophobia and the Re-Rise of the Far Right in Europe!

Enes Bayraklı, Türk Alman Üniversitesi, Türkisch-Deutsche Universitaet, Turkish German University
Farid Hafez, Salzburg University, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Senior Research Fellow, Georgetown University, The Bridge Initiative and IRDP Affiliated Scholar
Islamophobia in the European Context: 27 Country Assessment

Kawtar Najib, School of Geography, Sociology and Politics, Newcastle University
The Fear of Islamophobia and Terrorism: Impact on the Mobility and Behaviours of French and British Muslims

Seyda Karaoglu, Department of Religion at the George Washington University in Washington
Islamophobia à la Française: A Typology in Étienne Dinet’s Hajj Travelogue

Chair: Elsadig Elsheikh, Global Justice Program, Haas Institute for Fair and Inclusive Society

Panel 8: 11:15am – 1:00pm: Modes of Islamophobia: From Polite Islamophobia to Trump

Hinasahar Muneeruddin, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Hate and Fear of “Trump” Politics: Navigation of Affective Politics by Muslim-Americans in a Post-9/11 Era

Jaideep Singh, Held the Ranjit Singh Sabharwal Chair in Sikh and Punjabi Studies at CSU East Bay, and co-founded the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF)
The Rising Specter of Contemporary Christian Supremacy

Reem Bahdi, The University of Windsor, Canada
Globalized Islamophobia at The Supreme Court of Canada

Shelina Kassam, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto
Cloaking Whiteness:The Acceptable Muslim and racialized boundaries of inclusion

Chair: Munir Jiwa, Director, Center for Islamic Studies, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA

1:00pm – 2:30pm Lunch Break

Panel 9: 2:30pm – 4:00pm: Foreign Policy, Israel and Islamophobia, a Strategic Orientation

Paul Larudee, Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University
The Israeli government role in promoting Islamophobia internationally

Richard Silverstein, Independent Journalist and Contributor to Tikun Olam
Global Islamophobia: the Israel Connection

Hatem Bazian, Director, IRDP, UC Berkeley and Zaytuna College
Islamophobia as Foreign Policy: The Domestic/Foreign Nature of the Islamophobia Industry

Chair: Salman Sayyid, Director of the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, University of Leeds

4:00pm – 4:30pm: Third Keynote: Liberal Proselytizing and Conversion, and the Politics of Self-Policing in Academia

Munir Jiwa, Director, Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union

Closing Remarks: Hatem Bazian, IRDP, UC Berkeley and Zaytuna College.

About Ali Teymoori

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