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Islamic World in International Relations Conference to Be Held in Poland

Fourth Islamic World in International Relations conference is addressed to scholars, researchers, experts and professionals interested in the broadly defined Islamic World stretching from the West Africa through the Middle East and Central Asia and towards the Far East.

The Polish International Studies Association together with the European Solidarity Centre, and the Europe-Asia-Africa Foundation are delighted to invite you to participate in the fourth edition of the international academic conference:

The conference will be held in Gdańsk (Poland) in the European Solidarity Centre on 21st-22nd November 2018. This invitation is addressed to scholars, researchers, experts and professionals interested in the broadly defined Islamic World reaching from the West Africa through the Middle East and Central Asia and towards the Far East. The major focus of the conference is on the Middle East countries, yet topics related to the Muslim countries of the Far East (e.g. Indonesia), Central Asia (e.g. Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), or North Africa (e.g. Algeria, Morocco) are also within the conference agenda.

Conference Objectives

The overall purpose of the academic conference is to present a wide range of issues in the Islamic World in the sphere of politics, economy, law, culture and society.

The specific objectives of the conference are to:

  • Share information on research and exchange opinions among academics and professionals specializing in the Islamic World;
  • Promote cooperation between academic, researching governmental and non-governmental institutions:
  • Explain economic, political, and legal, social and cultural dilemmas of the Islamic World;
  • Expand the academic and non-academic cooperation Institutions from Poland and Europe with Institutions from Islamic World;
  • Understand and comprehend cultural differences within the countries and societies of the Islamic World;
  • Contribute to the intercultural dialogue between European and Islamic societies;

The conference deals with five major dimensions of international relations in the Islamic World: Politics, Economy, Law, Society and Culture:

  • Politics (including: cooperation and competition in the (MENA) region, Central Asia, Far East and within the Muslim communities worldwide; ideology and sectarianism in the Islamic World; attitude of particular countries towards terrorism and fundamentalism, foreign policy of Islamic states, war in Syria and its global and regional implications, democratization in the Middle East and whole Islamic World)
  • Economy (including: economic cooperation and integration; economic dilemmas in the internal policy of the Islamic states and in international relations within this area; financial markets, Islamic banking and finance; business opportunities)
  • Law (including: the legal systems of the Islamic states, Sharia Law dilemmas, legal customs in the Islamic World)
  • Society (including: inter-social dilemmas, structure of Muslim society and tribalism, migration and refugee crisis; meaning and place of Non-Muslim communities within the Muslim societies, Muslim minorities in non-Muslim states; demographic aspects of Islamic World, human rights issues; aspects of civil society, status of women in Islamic societies)
  • Culture (including: religious customs in politics, society and family life, multi-cultural dialogue)

Important Dates

Conference Date: 21st-22nd November 2018

Venue: The European Solidarity Centre, Gdańsk (Poland)

Website: islamicconference

About Ali Teymoori

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