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Muslims’ Guide: Guidance and Edicts+PDF

This book includes laws and advises addressed to the expatriates by His Eminence, the grand authority ayatollah Hakeem from the Hawza of the holy city of Najaf in Iraq, and also its content in general applies to the Muslim minorities worldwide.

Although this book includes laws and advises addressed to the expatriates by His Eminence, the grand authority Sayyid Al- Hakeem from the Hawza of the holy city of Najaf in Iraq, but its content, in general, applies to the Muslim minorities worldwide. It has been translated originally by Dr. Yasin Al-Jibouri. Because of the importance of its content, it has been revised and corrected by Sheikh Naseer Al-Sa’adawi and Sheikh Ali Abbas. They have exerted great efforts in correcting and editing the translation and ensuring that the content of the book is according to the edicts of the religious authority Sayyid Al-Hakeem (May Allah prolong his life).

Bibliographic Information

Title: Muslims’ Guide: Guidance and Edicts

Author:  Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed  Hakim

Translator: Yasin Al-Jibouri

Publisher:  Dar Al-Hilal

 Language: English

Length: 543

ISBN: 978-964-8276

Pub. Date: 2014/04/21

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