Home / Announcements / 4th “Ghadir Conference” to Be Held in Germany

4th “Ghadir Conference” to Be Held in Germany

The fourth international “Ghadir Conference” will be held in Gelsenkirchen by Islamic center of Imam Ali (AS) in collaboration with the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly.

The conference will be held on Sunday (September 25, 2016) in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

Ayatollah Reza Ramezani, the head of Islamic Center of Hamburg, and Hujjat al-Islam Sabah-al-Din Turk Yilmaz, director and Imam of Imam Reza mosque will deliver speeches at this conference.

Islamic Center of Imam Ali (AS), which is managed by “Hujjat al-Islam Mehdi Mojahedi”, is located in Gelsenkirchen in the North Rhine-Westphalia state of Germany.


ghadir confsource:abna

About Ali Teymoori

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