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10th Islamic Legal Studies Conference to Be Held on May 2022

The X Islamic Legal Studies Conference convened by the International Society of Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS) under the auspices of the Governance Programme at the Aga Khan University – Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC), London will be held on May 19-21, 2022.

ISILS invites paper proposals for its tenth Islamic Legal Studies conference, to be held at the Aga Khan Centre in London, 19–21 May 2022.

The sessions with paper presentations will be preceded by an opening roundtable session with invited speakers on the topic: ‘Islamic law and popular culture’ 

The conference itself will be open topic—abstracts on all aspects of Islamic law, from earliest to most recent times, are welcome.  Abstracts should clearly present and contextualise argument, methodology, and sources.  Abstracts based on primary sources or fieldwork will be given preference. 

 Abstracts of up to 500 words should be sent to: 2022conference@isils.net by 31 October 2021.  All received abstracts will be read by a joint committee including senior members of ISILS and the Governance Programme at AKU-ISMC.  The committee will select twenty abstracts. Acceptance letters will be sent out by 30 November 2021.   

If selected, each paper will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation at the conference. The conference language is English.  At the time of the conference, all speakers must be ISILS members (for membership dues: www.isils.net). 

Speakers are expected to attend the entirety of the conference.  Accommodation and meals will be provided by the Governance Programme at AKU-ISMC.  A limited fund to support scholars who do not have access to institutional funding will be available to cover travel costs.  Please indicate if you need this financial support when applying.  Speakers should however operate on the assumption that funds for travel to and from the conference are their responsibility.  

Important Data

Deadline for abstracts: 31 October 2021

Acceptance letters:30 November 2021

Conference: 19-21 May 2022  

We are aiming at holding the conference in person at the Aga Khan Centre in London, but we are also looking to accommodate presentations by speakers who will not be able to travel because of COVID restrictions. 

About Ali Teymoori

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