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Zakatul-Fitr (Fitra) and Who Receives Fitra

According to the Islamic law, Fitra which is known as Zakat of Fitra becomes incumbent when the new moon of Shawwal is sighted.

According to the Islamic law, Fitra becomes incumbent when the new moon of Shawwal is sighted.This is known as Zakat of Fitra, which is payable by every Puberty person for oneself and all dependents, temporary or otherwise, regardless of gender and age.

According to the Shariah, Fitra becomes incumbent when the new moon of Shawwal is sighted. This is known as Zakat of Fitra, which is Wajib on every Baligh person. If you have a guest with you, who has arrived at your house before sunset on the eve of Eid ul Fitr, then his/her Fitra is WAJIB upon you.

As per law 1999 of Ayatullah Seestani’s ‘Islamic laws’: “At the time of sunset on Eid ul Fitr, whoever is adult and sane and is neither unconscious, nor poor, or the slave of another, he should give, on his own behalf as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents, about three kilos per head of wheat or barley or dates or raisins or rice of millet etc. It is also sufficient if he pays the price of one of these items in case” Therefore, in principle, the Fitra is on staple food.

The end of Ramadan is again determined and announced by observance of the new moon. Eid-al-Fitr is the festival that marks the end of Ramadan. This festival is the time of celebration because of completion the obligation of fasting successfully.

Eid-al-Fitr includes prayers that usually starts shortly after sunrise. Men and women attend Eise’s prayers which is usually held in mosques or in an open area where Mubarak” is exchanged which means “Have a happy and blessed Eid” After prayers, people exchange visits with relatives and friends. Special sweets and special meal are prepared and shared.

Zakat al-Fitr

Zakatul-Fitr is a mandatory religious tax paid by those who can afford it at the end of the month of Ramadhan. It depends on the type of major item of food consumed by the believer during the year. This may be rice, wheat, barley, dates, etc. In weight, it should be at least three kilograms of food per person. It is also permissible to pay cash of equivalent value.

Due to the inflation and rising prices, we suggest that a fitra of $5.50 per person is reasonable. It must be paid by the head of the family on behalf of his dependents, including servants of both sexes, and/or dependent relatives who are fed in his house. If a Muslim or even a non-Muslim guest arrives at someone’s house prior to the night preceding Eidul-Fitr and dines with his host, it is incumbent on the latter to pay for the former’s fitra.

If the guest arrives after sunset of the night preceding the Eid, fitra is not obligatory even if he dines with his host. If the guest who arrives before sunset does not dine, fitra is still obligatory on his host. It is better; however, if both host and guest give fitra. If one’s wife is at her parents’ house on the night preceding the Eid, her parents should take out her fitra. On the last day of the month of Ramadhan, if someone arranges a majlis which commences after sunset, and if he treats his guests to iftar, he does not have to pay fitra on their behalf.

Who Receives Fitra

Fitra should be given to deserving believers whose income is not sufficient to spend on their families for one year. Fitra cannot be given to one’s own dependents. Deserving neighbors and pious persons are good candidates to receive and enjoy the fitra. Fitra from Sayyids (descendants of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny) can be given to poor Sayyids or non-Sayyids. Fitra from non-Sayyids cannot be given to Sayyids. If deserving persons are not easy to find or identify, fitra should be sent to places where such persons can be found, or the amount should be sent to a mujtahid who would do justice in its distribution.

It is absolutely mandatory that the recipient of fitra be ‘adil, I.e., a just and fair person who can be trusted to distribute it properly, and it is necessary to ensure that fitra is not given to anyone who may in any possibility use it for sinful acts such as drinking liquors, gambling, etc.

Although it is permissible to send fitra to any place, it is better to distribute it to a deserving person locally. The time for giving fitra is from the night preceding Eidul-Fitr up till noon. If this is not possible for any reason, the amount of fitra must then be set aside and be distributed when deserving persons are present, or it may be sent to a mujtahid for proper distribution, and it cannot be paid prior to the time when it becomes due. The best time to pay it is before noon prayers on Eid al-Fitr.

About Ali Teymoori

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