Home / Announcements / Workshop: Rulers as Authors in the Islamic world, Knowledge, authority and legitimacy

Workshop: Rulers as Authors in the Islamic world, Knowledge, authority and legitimacy

The aims of the Workshop Rulers as authors in the Islamic world: knowledge, authority and legitimacy are to assess the geographical and chronological extension of the figure of the ruler as author, and the extent to which it reflects particular understandings of political and religious authority.

The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) invited to a workshop on “Rulers as Authors in the Islamic world. Knowledge, authority and legitimacy”

Organized by Sonja Brentjes (Max Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin), Maribel Fierro (ILC-CSIC, Madrid), Tilman Seidensticker (CSMC).

Important Dates

Workshop Date: 18 – 19 December 2017

Venue: Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Warburgstraße 26, Room 0001, 20354 Hamburg

Rulers could intervene in the production of literary texts indirectly as patrons but also directly as authors of such texts. The aims of the Workshop Rulers as authors in the Islamic world: knowledge, authority and legitimacy are to assess the geographical and chronological extension of the figure of the ruler as author, and the extent to which it reflects particular understandings of political and religious authority. Special attention will be paid to the manuscript tradition of the rulers’ writings. Nineteen contributions covering 1200 years will deal with all major political, religious, and military types of rulers that emerged in different Islamic societies in Asia, Africa and Europe.

See more about the workshop

About Ali Teymoori

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