Home / Announcements / University of Cambridge Centre of Islamic Studies Invites Applications for Graduate Studentships, 2017-18

University of Cambridge Centre of Islamic Studies Invites Applications for Graduate Studentships, 2017-18

The Centre of Islamic Studies invites applications for graduate research studentships whose research is connected to the theme of contemporary Islam in the global age.

The Centre particularly welcomes applications from graduate students whose research is connected to Muslims in the UK or Europe and the current work of the Centre. The proposed research may be at Masters or PhD level, and may be in any discipline. The studentships will make a contribution towards maintenance costs and are likely to be in the range of £4,500 to £14,000.

In order to be considered, candidates must be enrolled a Department or Faculty of the University of Cambridge and their course of research must begin or continue in the academic year 2017-18. Successful candidates will be required to take part in the seminars and research and outreach activities of the Centre of Islamic Studies.

To apply, please send a 2-page outline of the proposed research, with a CV and covering letter, a statement of the sources and amounts of all other funding secured and applied for, and the names and contact details of two referees, to cis@cis.cam.ac.uk.

The deadline for applications is 20 October 2017

About Ali Teymoori

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