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UK Police’s Brutal Assault on Muslim Family Sparks Outrage

Shockwaves have rippled through the Muslim community in the UK in the wake of an incident involving British police officers brutally attacking a family of Muslim citizens of Pakistani origin at Manchester Airport.

In video footage that has since gone viral online, police officers can be seen attacking at least two men with one policeman kicking a man as he lies on the ground, posing no threat, he then stamps on the victim’s head with full force, narrowly avoiding making full contact in what many say was an action that would have almost certainly killed the man.

The shocking images have led to outrage, especially within the British Muslim community.

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the office of Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, to demand an immediate investigation and an end to what they described as brutal and racist policing.

The lawyer representing the victims has emphasized the severity of the attack.

“If five civilians got together and did that to another person, then they would be charged with joint enterprise, attempted murder.

So let’s wait and see what happens to these police officers.

The investigation is in the very early stages.”

Akhmed Yakoob, Victims’ Lawyer

The Greater Manchester Police have released a statement claiming that prior to the altercation seen in the footage, the men had assaulted three police officers, with one officer sustaining a broken nose.

Sources close to the men say the altercation began after the family suffered racist abuse from a member of the public, and instead of taking action against the perpetrator, one of the police officers physically attacked their elderly mother, whom the boys then rushed to protect.

Following the initial statement, Greater Manchester Police have released another statement announcing that one of the officers involved has been suspended from all duties.

Meanwhile, an independent investigation is also reportedly underway; however, local community members here remain doubtful that justice will be served in this case.

“He has physically assaulted a member of the public, physically, regardless of whatever has happened, he should be dismissed straight away and change should be brought”.

Member of Public 01

“There is a doctor who’s come on Tiktok, as well and on other social media platforms, and has said that, the way he was kicked in the head and in the nose he could have died there.

So the point is not just about him being suspended, it’s him and every single other officer that was involved in the incident. And it’s also their seniors.

You wouldn’t treat an animal the way they treated them humans, the innocent children lying on the floor. He’s not even 20 years old. I believe he’s 19.

The way he was treated, he was lying harmlessly on the floor, and they have come and attacked him”.

Member of Public 02

As tensions run high, Right Wing racist elements have jumped onto the story to fuel division and praised the violence displayed by the police in their own efforts to inflame Islamophobic hatred and spark what they believe will be a war of religious and racial hatred in the UK.

How the police handle this incident will no doubt influence whether they’ll be successful or not.


About Ali Teymoori

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