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Trump’s Jerusalem Move Turned Muslims’ Attention to Al-Quds: Ayt. Modarresi

Trump’s Jerusalem Move infuriated Muslims all around the world; the plan to move Israel’s capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds turned Muslims’ attention towards al-Quds since it was the first Qiblah in Islam, said Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Modarresi in a statement.

In his weekly statement, Senior Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Modarresi hailed the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for holding a meeting to address Trump’s Jerusalem Move.

In his statement, the Shia scholar asserted that the decisions made by the Islamic conference shows that Muslim nations still consider the issue of Palestine as the top priority in the Islamic world.

“Trump’s Jerusalem Move infuriated Muslims all around the world; the plan to move Israel’s capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds turned Muslims’ attention towards al-Quds as the first Qiblah in Islam.” The statement read.

“Allah almighty has commanded Muslims to act as a unified and moderate community.”

Grand Ayatollah Modarresi further stated in his note, “We were expecting that the enemies of Islam learn lessons from the developments in Iraq and Syria regarding the huge victories of the Islamic Resistance against ISSI terrorists. The enemies must be aware that Muslim forces rely on their religious values and clerics’ fatwa to wipe all terrorists from their lands.”

It must be noted that following US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Israel, senior scholar Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Modarresi urged Muslim nations to initiate a strong movement in order to condemn Trump’s plan as a severe damage to Muslim community.”

Trump announced his decision to relocate the US embassy in the occupied lands from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds on December 6.

The dramatic shift in Washington’s Jerusalem al-Quds policy triggered demonstrations in the occupied Palestinian territories, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Morocco and other Muslim countries.

Israel lays claim to the entire city as its “capital,” while Palestinians want its eastern part as the capital of their future state.


About Ali Teymoori

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