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To Achieve Power and Dignity, Muslim Umma Should Stand against Zionism

If the world of Islam wants to achieve dignity, it should not abandon unity, solidarity and unanimity. If the world of Islam wants to achieve power and dignity, it has to stand up against Zionism.

What should be done in the face of those who follow American policies in the region? Our language is the language of advice. Some ignorant of these governments say things against the people of Iran and the Islamic Republic which are not worthy of attention. Our goal is not to respond to their nonsense rhetorical, rather our goal is to advise. We advise. What some regional governments are doing today at the service of the U.S. puts them in a massive disadvantage. In fact, they are ruining themselves. The enemy does whatever he can. They[The U.S. govt] created these Takfiris in our region. They foolishly thought that they could wage a religious war by doing so. However, Allah the Exalted delivered a blow to their mouth because a religious war was not and will not be waged.

We stood firm against those who were provoked by the enemy and we thankfully succeeded, but their[govts who follow American policy in the middle east] issue was working as the enemy’s mercenaries. Their issue was not a religious, tribal or denominational war. Although The enemy wanted to wage a war between Shia and Sunni, but “Praise belongs to the God Who made our enemies among the fools” [from a prayer by Imam Sajjad]. Allah the Exalted has made our enemies among the fools as the number of Sunni Muslims killed by ISIS in the region was larger than the number of Shias murdered by them! They wanted to wage a war between Sunni and Shia. However, Allah the Exalted delivered a blow to their mouth.

Our confrontation against takfiri forces was a confrontation against oppression and distortion of Islam. It was a fight against a savage group which knew nothing about Islamic morality and civility and about the truth of Islam. They used to burn and skin people alive and they used to take Muslim families captive. They were engulfed by all kinds of corruption including political, sexual, financial and practical corruption. They were the agents of the US and Zionism. And their cohorts and followers – wherever they are – are the agents of the U.S. and Zionism. This is a reality. We stood up against them. If the world of Islam wants to achieve dignity, it should not abandon unity, solidarity and unanimity. If the world of Islam wants to achieve power and dignity, it has to stand up against Zionism.

Today, the issue of Palestine is at the top of the political issues of the world of Islam and the Islamic Ummah. Everyone is responsible for defending Palestine, the freedom of Palestine and towards the Palestinian nation, to fight and work for Palestine. The enemy is desperate in this regard. You should know that. When they claim that they want to declare al-Quds as the capital of the Zionist regime, this is a symptom of their desperation and incapability. Their hands are tied on the issue of Palestine. Without a doubt, by doing so, they will receive a harsher blow and the world of Islam will stand up to their face.

The enemy will definitely not be able to achieve the desired result on the issue of Palestine and Palestine will be liberated. There is no doubt that Palestine will be liberated. This will happen sooner or later, but it will definitely happen and the Islamic Ummah’s fight for the liberation of Palestine will bear fruit, God willing.


About Ali Teymoori

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