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Third Global Forum on Islamic Bank to be Held in Turkey

The General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI), the global umbrella of Islamic financial institutions will organize its third Global Forum on April 18 and 19, 2018.

It will be held in Istanbul under the theme, ‘The New Face of Financial Services: Disruptions, Opportunities and the New Normals’, under the patronage of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey (BRSA).

This year, CIBAFI Global Forum aims to bring stakeholders of change onto a platform to discuss ground breaking disruptions, which are setting a new normal for the global Islamic financial services industry.

All stakeholders, including regulators, bankers and customers alike are poised to reap benefits only if they are informed of the ground realities of these innovations, ultimately shaping their competitive advantages for the future of the industry.

Top industry stakeholders from within and outside the Islamic finance industry, multilateral development institutions, international and national regulatory bodies, policy-makers, leading technocrats, among others will discuss disruptions, opportunities and key emerging issues affecting the Islamic financial sector today.

Commenting on the preparations of the Global Forum, Abdelilah Belatik, secretary general of CIBAFI, said, “CIBAFI is pleased to hold its third Global Forum in Istanbul, Turkey to discuss key topics of Islamic finance. The region has needs, as well as untapped opportunities. Islamic finance can certainly contribute in various areas to promote economic development and open new expansion opportunities for Islamic financial institutions.”

This Global Forum is organised as part of CIBAFI’s third Strategic Objective of Awareness & Information Sharing.


About Ali Teymoori

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