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The Value of Zakat al-Fitrah in the US for 2021

Zakat al-Fitrah is a special form of obligatory zakat given at the end of the month of Ramadan, during the day of Eid.

With the joyous completion of the holy month of Ramadan, it is easy to forget about the needs of those in poverty and our obligation to provide charity to them. Therefore, we should remember that such people in need require our help to make it through the year. Zakat al-Fitrah is a special form of obligatory zakat given at the end of the month of Ramadan, during the day of Eid.

The estimated recommended value of zakat al-fitrah, for 2021, in the United States, is US $10.00 per eligible person. The sum must be paid on a person’s behalf as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents. This would also include any guests who are staying overnight during the eve of Eid al-Fitr, under the care of the person. A family of four, for example, who also has two guests staying overnight during the eve of Eid al-Fitr would pay six times the individual zakat amount, for a total of US $60.00, to account for each family member and guest.

Please note, if a center or person knows of someone needy in their city, as an obligatory precaution, it is not religiously allowed to send the Zakat al-Fitrah to feed the poor outside of that city. [Reference: Minhaj al-Salihin, Book 1, page 383, 2001, Mas’ala #1182.]


Zakat is an obligatory tax prescribed by God the Almighty who likened it to prayer in many verses. He states in the Holy Qur’an: “Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in their prayers and who shun vain conversation and who are payers of the poor due.” (23:1-4). The Prophet (as) confirmed it in many traditions as a pillar of Islam.


Zakat al-Fitrah is obligatory on the individual who is sane, an adult (physically mature), and financially capable (whose finances are secured through available assets or continuous income).

This type of Zakat should be set aside on the eve of Eid al-Fitr and be paid on the day itself, which marks the first day of the month of Shawwal. It may also be paid earlier to a delegated person/organization, who will take the appropriate steps to distribute it during the obligated time period.

A sum must be paid on a person’s behalf as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents. This would also include any guests who are staying overnight during the eve of Eid al-Fitr, under the care of the person. A family of 4, for example, who also has 2 guests staying overnight during the eve of Eid al-Fitr would pay a total of 6 times the Zakat, to account for each family member and guest. 2021For every individual, the minimum given must be enough to feed one miskeen (needy person), which is the equivalent of 6.6 pounds of a popular basic food commodity such as rice or wheat (flour), as opposed to a cooked full meal. Therefore, the Dollar amount given is the estimated recommended equivalent value of 6.6 pounds of the basic food commodity. On the day of Eid, the zakat will be distributed to the poor.


The estimated recommended value of Zakat al-Fitrah for 2021 is US $10.00 per eligible person.  The monetary value is estimated through the common understanding (Urf) of the current value of the basic food commodity. Since prices vary from region to region and fluctuate from season to season, we have determined the value based on the Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as a general search of the cost of the top two basic food commodities, Flour and Rice, from nationwide retailers. We have applied a precautionary buffer (Ihtiat) to the value since the CPI values are averages and true costs may vary in range in different parts of the country. Please note, a person may pay more than the estimated recommended value if desired, but the recommended amount would fulfill the religious obligation.


The Zakat al-Fitrah may be paid directly to the poor, through your local mosque or center, or through the religious authority (Marja) and their agents (Wakeel), who have knowledge and experience in the proper venues of appropriation.  Please note, Zakat al-Fitrah may only be given to the poor and may not be used by an entity to cover its expenses, unless permission was explicitly given by the religious authority, or his authorized representative.


About Ali Teymoori

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