The Holy Prophet’s words, deeds, and confirmations (altogether known as Sunnah) played a bright role in the construction of Islam, the establishment of its foundations, and the institution of its civilization. They comprise a perfect course that achieves man’s mental and,...
Read More »Freedom in Imam ‘Ali’s Thought
Imam ‘Ali (as) always enlightened the Muslims to defend their rights and to interfere in the state affairs. Therefore, in order to grant some privileges to people, Imam ‘Ali (as) ordered his officers to read the items of the constitution of his rule before the people in the mosque to make them know their duties and...
Read More »Imam ʿAlī’s Methods of Interaction with his Ideological and Political Adversaries in Nahj al-Balagha
An interaction is a reciprocal relation between two individuals or two groups. In his political practice, Imam Ali (a) engaged in constructive interactions with his opponents based on shared principles. In different circumstances, he always sought to find rational and accurate solutions through direct.....
Read More »Eid al-Ghadir: the Culmination of Islam
As a revert to Islam, Eid al-Ghadir is the one Eid that always has made the most sense to me and has been the most significant in my worldview....
Read More »Eid al-Ghadir: A Celebration of Divine Leadership
Eid al-Ghadir, observed on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah, holds immense significance in the Shia Islamic tradition. This joyous occasion commemorates the pivotal moment when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) designated his cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali (a.s.), as his successor, entrusting him with...
Read More »Eid al-Ghadir; The Day that Islam Perfected
Eid al-Ghadir, the day on which Imam Ali (AS) was chosen by God as the successor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is an Islamic commemorative holiday and is considered to be among the significant holidays of Shi'ite Muslims...
Read More »A Glimpse at the Martyrdom of Imam ‘Ali (ʻA)
Although historicists ascribe the assassination of Imam Ali (‘a) to the Khawarij alone, a thorough reflection on the issue proves that the Umayyads had a role in the process....
Read More »Governance Model of Imam Ali (A): A Quick Glance
From the viewpoint of Imam Ali (a) people who possess land and water and are at the same time poverty-stricken, will be far from Divine Mercy and deprived of Allah’s favor. Imam emphasized on reviving the land and recommended the development of...
Read More »World’s Largest Ghadir Celebration Held in Tehran
Great masses of people in the Iranian capital of Tehran have marked Eid al-Ghadir by attending the 10-kilometer-long party which has been hailed as the world's largest celebration event of its...
Read More »Sacred Event of al-Ghadir Is the Continuation of the Prophet’s Mission: Imam Khomeini
he Muslims across various parts of the globe mark the Eid al-Ghadir, celebrating the occasion of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) appointing Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor. The auspicious occasion is annually celebrated with various ceremonies and rituals on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the...
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