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Tag Archives: Editor’s choice

Three Reasons why the Islamic Revolution of Iran Was a Miracle

For 25 years, millions of Iranians were held hostage by the United States. That’s right: from August 19, 1953 to February 1, 1979—9,037 days in all—over 17 million Iranians were essentially hostages of the ṭaghut (evil, corrupt and deviant) government of the United States. That these hostages managed to free themselves from U.S. oppression due to the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran is indeed a miracle...

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A Conference in Honor of Ayatollah Wa‘iz-Zadeh Held in Mashhad+Pics

The third National Conference on Interpretation and Exegesis of the Holy Quran in the last century of the Seminary of Khorasan, entitled “Intellectual Quran Researcher”, and in honor of the great contemporary researcher  Ayatollah Muhammad Wa‘iz-Zadeh Khorasani, with the presence of the  professors, jurisprudents, academics and scholars of the seminary …

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