The qualities of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) were like the qualities of his fathers who were distinguished by them over all people. All elements of honor and dignity met together in him. He possessed all virtues and....
Read More »Aspects of Imam al-Hadi’s Personality
The qualities of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) were like the qualities of his fathers who were distinguished by them over all people. All elements of honor and dignity met together in him. He possessed all virtues and...
Read More »History of the Shi’a in the Time of Imam Baqir
Some of Imam Baqir’s endeavours include solidifying the religious beliefs of the community, spreading a jurisprudential-religious culture, training students so as to become Islamically proficient, and...
Read More »The Greatness of Imam al-Riḍa’s (a.s.) Personality in the Words of Dignitaries
Although the status of Imam al-Riḍa’s (a.s.) Imamate suffices to become aware of his sublime position, stating part of the words related in this respect would make a great impression on the public minds. Despite his enmity with Imam al-Ridha (a.s.), the Abbasid Ma’mun, who enjoyed a high status in knowledge and scholarship, has said about Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.): “I do not know anyone superior to this man – meaning Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) – on the face of the earth.” Jamal al-Din Ahmad b. Nassaba, also known as Ibn ‘Inaba, said, “Imam al-Ridha (a.s.), whose nickname is Aba al-Hasan, was matchless in his own time among the sons of Abu Talib.” And Dhahabi, who is famous for his deviation from Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.), said about Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.): “He was chief of Bani Hashim in his own time and the most forbearing and the wisest of them all…” As one of the notables of his time, Aba Salt Hirawi said, “I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable than ‘Ali b. Musa al- Riḍa (a.s.); no scholar saw his holiness unless he would confirm this same witness of mine…” Abu Nawas was one of the celebrated poets in Imam al- Riḍa’s (a.s.) era. One day one of his friends protested to him why he had not written anything about such a personality as Imam ‘Ali b. Musa al- Riḍa (a.s.), despite knowing him. Abu Nawas replied: “I swear by God that his greatness prevented me from this; someone like me is not able to eulogize the like of him.” Then he wrote a poem, the brief rendering of which is as follows: “They tell me: How come you, who are a matchless orator, fail to eulogize Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) despite his sublime character? I said, “I cannot eulogize the Imam to whose father Gabriel was a servant.” One day Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) came out while riding a nimble mule. Abu Nawas approached him, greeted, and said, “O son of the Prophet! I have composed some poetry; I would like you to hear it.” The Imam said, “Recite it!” Abu Nawas recited three lines of his poetry, including this one: “Whoever is not ‘Alawi in his lineage, Does not have any honor from his past.” The Imam (a.s.) said to his retainer: “How much is remained of our expenditure?” He replied: “Three hundred dinars (every dinar costing a mithqal – equivalent to 5 grams).” His holiness told him to give it to Abu Nawas. When the Imam returned home, he said to his retainer: “Maybe he would regard that amount as little, take this mule to....
Read More »Brief History of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Riḍa
Imam Ali ar-Rida was brought up under the holy guidance of his father for thirty-five years. His own insight and brilliance in religious matters combined with the excellent training and education given by his father made him unique in his...
Read More »Journey of Lady Fatima al-Ma’suma from Medina to Qum
After a difficult year of separation from her beloved brother, Lady Fatima Masuma (A) decided to go to him. She began this journey from Madina to Khurāsān, in the year 201 A.H, accompanied by a caravan made up of some members of her...
Read More »Article: Imam Sadiq: Role Model for Humanity
This article includes a brief biography of Imam Sadiq (as), his revered conduct, and his deep knowledge in jurisprudence; it also delves into the state of the Shi'as during his time as well as his political confrontations with the...
Read More »Imam Sadiq’s (as) Opinions in Politics and Economics
Imam al-Sadiq (as), the most prominent scientific character in the human history, is well known for his intelligence and creativity, which we cannot find an end or a limit to...
Read More »Imam Hasan, ‘The Myth of his Divorces’
mam Hasan has been the victim of a most malicious propaganda for the last 1,250 years. He is portrayed as “fond of ease and quiet” by his admirers and “the great divorcer” by his...
Read More »Why Did Imam Ali Remain Silent for 25 Years?
Why did ʿAlī, the rightful successor to the Prophet, remain silent after the latter’s death and made no effort to press his rights? Why did he not awaken society from its...
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