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Spiritual Advice of Shia Marajiʻ for Healing Coronavirus Disease

Some of great Shia Marajaʻ of Qom advised people to observe medical and hygiene instructions of doctors and asked People to recite supplications and make entreaty to God and the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and recite effective dhikrs.

According to Ijtihadnet, Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani emphasized on observing medical and hygiene instructions and offered an advice for removing believers’ worries regarding Coronavirus disease.

Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani

According to this report, some people asked Ayatollah Hossein Wahid Khorasani to give an advice for removing believers’ worries regarding this disease. His eminence said, “Observing medical and hygiene instructions is necessary. Every night, you may put your hand on your heart and recite sura al-Fatiha seven times. Also, you may recite Ayat al-Kursi (The Throne Verse) up to  “و هو العلی العظیم” (“wa hu-va-l-Aliyy-u-l-‘Azim”) every morning and every night.”

Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi

Also, Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi said, “people should carefully observe directives and instructions offered by the country’s officials in hygiene and medicine for prevention of catching Coronavirus and avoid attending public places.”

He added, “to fight this disease, we have to manage our stresses and avoid fear. It is good that people recite ziyarat ‘Ashura and Hadith al-Kisa’ in their houses, because the two give spirit and energy and bear precious outcomes.”

He emphasized on observing hygiene issues and added, “in this period, socializing and attending public places is not right. One of the issues everyone should consider obligatory is to protect his life and health and if a person is remiss in this regard, he is liable before God.”

Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani

Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani said, “Definitely, in every event, there is a benefit from God we are not aware of; and we should know that God, the Munificent is always Benevolent and Merciful toward His servants and sends guardians for humansto protect them from many afflictions;and in this affliction too, these guardians are present in this city and other cities. We hope that God removes this affliction through supplications and entreaties as He has removed alike in the past.”

Ayatollah Shobeiri Zanjani

In answer to a question regarding Coronavirus disease, Ayatollah Shobeiri Zanjani said, “With regards to the serious risk of this disease, observing hygiene and medical rules is obligatory for all people. Also, officials should seriously take immediate and necessary measures to prevent further spread of the disease.”

The text of the question and the answer of Ayatollah Sayyid Musa Shobeiri Zanjani about Coronavirus disease is as follows:

Question: “With regards to the directive of doctors and experts for not attending suspects of the recent contagious disease in public places and environments, what is the rule about people’s remissnessof this directive? Is observing such directivesalso obligatory with regards to religious law? Especially that some people regardless of experts’ directive, do not consider closing classrooms and religious and other ceremonies and gatherings appropriate. Do you consider this correct with regards to religious law?”

Answer: “With regards to the serious risk of this disease, observing hygiene and medical rules is obligatory for all people. Also, officials should seriously take immediate and necessary measures to prevent further spread of the disease. We hope that our dear people trust in God, the Almighty and make entreaty to the Infallible Ones (a) and pass God’s great trial very well.”

About Ali Teymoori

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