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Sheikh Shaltut’s Two Important Steps towards a Serious Confrontation with the Zionist Regime

Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut (RA) was one of the prominent Sunni scholars and one of the famous scholars of Al-Azhar University in Egypt, which the general Muslim intellectuals and nobles are aware of her efforts in the field of promoting unity among the Islamic Ummah.

In addition to this importance (that is, efforts towards the development of Muslim brotherhood and unity), it should be noted that Sheikh Shaltut (RA) was also strongly anti-Israel. As when the news reached Shaltut about Mohammadreza Pahlavi’s relationship with Israel, he was deeply upset and, by creating movements, he tried to prevent the Shah of Iran from continuing his relationship with the Zionist regime.

Therefore, he writes 2 letters, which are briefly mentioned below:

His letter to Ayatollah Broujirdi (RA)

In this letter, the late Shaltut (RA) called the news of the Shah of Iran’s connection with the Israel sad and asked Ayatollah Boroujerdi (RA) to take action in this regard. Of course, this letter reached Qom in a situation where Ayatollah Boroujerdi (RA) was ill and after some time passed away, so he did not have time to reply to Sheikh Shaltut (RA).


His Letter to Late Ayatollah Hakim (Ra), the Marjaʻ al-Taqlīd of Iraq at the Time

After the demise of Ayatollah Boroujerdi (RA), Sheikh Shaltut (RA) did not give up on this matter and wrote another letter to the late Ayatollah Hakim (the Marjaʻ al-Taqlīd at the time of Iraq) and asked him to communicate with Shia scholars of Iran and prevent the Shah of Iran’s relations with Israel. Following this letter, the late Hakim (RA) also wrote a letter to Ayatollah Behbahani (RA) and asked him to follow up Sheikh Shaltut’s protest. Although after Ayatollah Behbahani (RA) following up on this matter, the Shah of Iran has denied any connection with Israel and claimed that he does not recognize this regime, such letters from Sheikh Shaltut indicate how concerned he was to the Palestinian issue.

The translation of Sheikh Shaltut’s letter to Ayatollah Broujerdi is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

God bless you and all our brothers and your brothers’ scholars of Iran and all those who defend and protect the unity and coalition of Muslims. Your Excellency and all honorable brothers, you have heard the sad news these days that the Shah of Iran has recognized Israel, an Israeli that has invaded the Palestinian land and displaced its people and usurped their rights. It is a matter of regret for all the Muslims of the world that the kin, who himself and his nation are Muslims, approves of the enemies of Muslims and establishes friendly relations with them. We have twice sent a telegraph to the Shah to remind him that his action is an excuse for those who want to cut ties that we have tried to strengthen. Of course, you are also affected by this act and you will try hard to condemn it, and your action will definitely have a good effect.

Waiting for your letter.

Wasalam ʻAlaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Your Brother, Mahmoud Shaltut- al-Azhar’s Sheikh

The Translation of Sheikh Shaltut’s Letter to Ayatollah Hakim

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

My brother in faith, his Excellency Professor Allamah Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim

God’s peace and mercy be upon you and all our brothers and your brothers, the scholars of the brotherly country of Iraq, and upon everyone who stands up to defend the truth, and upon the guardians of unity and peace between Muslims. Your Excellency and all your honorable brothers are aware of the sad event that has taken place these days, and that is the declaration of recognition by the King of Iran to the criminal Israel that has invaded Palestine and displaced its people and usurped their rights. This recognition made us all worried and hurt every Muslim in the East and West of the world that how a Muslim king of a Muslim nation approves the enemies of Muslims and befriends them. We sent two telegraphs to Mr. Shah. We also sent a telegraph to Qom to Ayatollah Broujerdi. And we pointed out the danger of this act and warned that it may lead to controversial sedition. Especially since this declaration of recognition has been issued from the Shiite kingdom of the Imamiyyah brothers, which may pave the way for those who like to fish out of muddy water and cause resentment among Muslims and try to break the relations that we have tried to strengthen. And after this, that act is clearly and without any explanation contrary to religion, and without a doubt, you were also saddened by this matter like us. Undoubtedly, Your Excellency and your other brothers and our brothers, the dignified scholars of Iraq, will make every effort to strongly express disgust towards this decision. And the Shah should reverse his decision, as the government of Dr. Mossadiq in Iran in 1951 turned to such a way and did not go that way. Making such an effort on your part has a great impact on the scholars of Iran and the Iranian nation, and it also has a positive impact on us. Because it makes people understand that you and I are fighting together in in this battlefield. This will raise the flag of Islam and strengthen the unity of Muslims. Now we are waiting for you to send us a description of your successful effort and righteous deed. May Allah take you under his protection and grant the blessings of this deed and your righteous effort to the Muslims.

Wasalam ʻAlaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Your Brother, Mahmoud Shaltut- al-Azhar Sheikh

Late Ayatollah Sayyid Mohsin al-Hakim’s Replying to Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut

In the name of Allah and to Him is [due all] praise

Illustrious Allamah, Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut, Al-Azhar Sheikh

We received your telegraph in which you expressed your displeasure with the announcement of Iran’s recognition of Israel. We are grateful for your interest in the affairs of Muslims and we appreciate your compassion for strengthening Islamic relations between Muslims. Since we received the news of this recognition, we have expressed our strong disgust to the Iranian government and through some of our brothers, the scholars of Tehran. And we made it clear to them the danger of this action and the hatred of the Islamic Ummah for it, and we advised them to do their Islamic duty and respect the feelings of Muslims. The answer was that Iran has not declared any recognition to Israel and the Iranian government does not intend to do so now or in the future. The Iranian government is interested in the affairs of Muslims wherever they are. While we are disgusted with any decision taken by anyone to strengthen the state of Israel, we draw the attention of all Muslims to the unpleasant situation that surrounds them. We call all Muslims to strengthen their ranks and monotheism in order to form a united front against the hostile currents and the forces of oppression, disbelief and rebellion. Which our enemies have placed war with Islam at the top of all their efforts and we must cut their hand from the fate of Muslims. The establishment of Israel State in Palestine is just one example of the many attempts that are made to harm Islam and block the progress of Islam. Therefore, it is necessary for all Muslims, and especially for the governments ruling over Muslim lands, to return to the shelter of Islam, and to circle around the victorious flag of Islam, which is the symbol of their victory and honor. They should take all their laws from glorious Islam order to regain their greatness and honor. They should consider the halal of Islam as halal and the haram of Islam as haram. These calamities that have caused the misery of Muslims are nothing but the effects of their laziness towards Islam.  All this is because Islam has been removed from the administration of the nation’s affairs, and this has caused danger for Muslims and threatens them with destruction. In the end, we ask Allah to unite Muslims in the path of piety and guidance and to take their hands in everything that leads to their salvation. He is the Hearing and Responsive.

Wasalam ʻAlaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Muhsin al-Tabatabaei al-Hakim

About Ali Teymoori

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