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Saving your Family, Society by Teaching them Islamic Principles

The Iraqi Shia Marja’ al-Taqlid advised women to raise their children according to Quranic teachings, life of Prophet Muhammad (as) as well as Ahlubayt’s (as) teachings.

Senior Iraqi cleric Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed al-Hakim advised Muslim women to pay special attention to their families.

The Iraqi Shia Marja’ al-Taqlid advised women to raise their children according to Quranic teachings, life of Prophet Muhammad (as) as well as Ahlubayt’s (as) teachings.

“Islamic values must be given special attention in life in order to maintain the foundation of family; such teachings will liberate families from the corrupt Western values.” he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Grand Ayatollah Hakim urged families to try and teach their children about Islamic values and principles since early childhood; “Teaching children about Islamic principles will save families as well as the society from deviation and corruption. These teachings will in turn preserve the stability of the family unit.” Grand Ayatollah Hakim added.

The senior scholar concluded by saying, “Peaceful dialogue with the youth will save the society from many threats.”


About Ali Teymoori

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