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Ramadan Is the Month of Humbleness, Repentance, Piety and morality: Ayt. Khamenei

In the sermon delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) on the last Friday of the month of Sha’ban, there are certain points that show this month is not only the month of worshiping God. It is also the month of morality and the month of acquiring and implementing moral qualities. These are points that we should pay attention to in this month.

One issue that is repeated in the prayers of the auspicious month of Ramadan is drawing people’s attention to the worlds after this material world, the world of death, the world of the grave, the world of the Judgment Day and one’s difficulties in facing divine calculations and divine questioning. This is one of the issues that exist in the prayers of the auspicious month of Ramadan. Paying attention to this is very important for us officials who have certain responsibilities. A factor that helps us control and monitor this is attention to these worlds. When we understand that “Not the weight of an atom becomes absent from Him” [The Holy Quran, 34: 3] that no small move, action and statement will escape the eyes of divine calculators after our death and that we will be questioned about all these things, this will deeply affect our behavior, our statements and our moves.

We read in holy dua of Abu Hamza, “Bestow mercy on me when I am on the verge of dying and when the hands of my dear ones turn me over in my bed”. This condition occurs to many people. Perhaps, many people have witnessed this moment when one is on the verge of dying. You and I cannot do anything at that moment when no one is closer to us than God: “And We are nearer to him than you, but you see not” [The Holy Quran, 56: 85]. At that moment, no one and nothing can save us from the precipice that is ahead of us except for good deeds and divine blessings. We say in this dua, “Oh God, bestow mercy on me”. We ask God to show mercy on us: “And bestow Your blessings on me when they put me on the ground washing my body and when my dear ones and relatives turn me over to different sides”.

We ask Allah the Exalted to bestow His mercy and blessings on us when our body is being washed after death. At that moment, we are involuntarily in the hands of those who perform ghusl. This will happen to each and every one of us. None of us will escape that moment. It will happen to all of us and therefore, you should think about it.

“And show kindness to me when my people carry my corpse into the grave”. They carry us, hold us on their shoulders and take us to our eternal home. “And be generous towards me when I am alone in my grave, entering upon You.” They will bury us in a grave. This is a reminder. So, we should not ignore these moments and they should always be in front of our eyes. This is one of the reasons why we are advised to visit graveyards and the dead. Some people do not like it when they are reminded of death. They should not dislike it because this is a cure and medicine. It is a cure for our selfishness, our ignorance and our lust.

We read in another part of the holy dua of Abu Hamza, “Oh God, bestow Your mercy on me when I have no answer to give, when I cannot find my tongue to give you answers and when my mind makes a mistake when you ask me a question”. When we are short of answers before divine questions, we should know that divine questions are not like the ones that are asked in this world. In this world, we can maneuver the other side by using his own folly, ignorance and emotions, but there, everything is clear to the Being Who questions us. Therefore, we should think about that moment.

In another part of this dua we read, “I cry for the day when they take me out of the grave, naked and feeling terrible. I cry for that day when I will be carrying the heavy load of my sins and at times I look right and sometimes, I look left and I see that everyone is involved in their own affairs.” At that time, everyone is thinking about themselves and no one will help us in any way.

“Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern of his own to make him indifferent to the others. Some faces, that Day, will be beaming, laughing, rejoicing” [The Holy Quran, 80: 37-39]. Believers, the pious and those who took care of themselves and who did not leave the road of right, justice and divine responsibilities are described in this sentence: “Some faces, that Day, will be beaming, laughing, rejoicing”. Their faces are happy, smiling and bright. Some people are like this. “And other faces, that Day, will be dust-stained and blackness will cover them” [The Holy Quran, 80: 40-41]. These are ayahs from the Holy Quran, but in the dua of Abu Hamza the word “humiliated” has also been added. Of course, this is not the only concept that exists in these prayers. Like all other prayers, the prayers of the month of Ramadan draw us towards the sweet and pleasant spring of divine mercy as well.

This month is the month of humbleness, repentance, piety, return to God, self-edification and morality. In the sermon delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) on the last Friday of the month of Sha’ban, there are certain points that show this month is not only the month of worshiping God. It is also the month of morality and the month of acquiring and implementing moral qualities. These are points that we should pay attention to in this month.


About Ali Teymoori

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