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Rally in Support of Palestine Held around the World

Thousands of people across the globe have taken to the streets to deplore Israeli violence against Palestinians at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and elsewhere in the occupied territories, as the regime in Tel Aviv continues its crimes in Palestine with total impunity.

In Pakistan, thousands of people took part in rallies after Friday prayers in major cities, denouncing the Israeli attacks on Palestinian worshipers in al-Aqsa Mosque as “naked terrorism” and urging Islamic countries to intervene immediately to protect the sacred site and Palestinian lives.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, the rallies were held in the capital Islamabad, as well as in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, and other cities, in a display of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The protesters chanted slogans against the Israeli regime and slammed the United States and Western regimes over their support for the occupying entity.

Speakers of the events warned about Israel’s “naked aggression against peaceful worshipers” and voiced concerns over what they called the “criminal silence” of Islamic countries on the atrocities.

In Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka, thousands of people demonstrated against the Israeli onslaught on the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, located in the Old City of occupied al-Quds.

During the rally, held on Friday, the Bangladeshi protesters carried banners and placards reading “Israel Will Pay High Price” and “Stop Brutality in Aqsa Mosque.”

Stop selling arms to Israel!

Following Friday prayers, Jordanians also attended a march organized by activists in the capital, Amman, to condemn the intensified Israeli brutalities.

Videos circulating online showed that thousands of people took part in the rally to express solidarity with their Palestinian brethren in occupied al-Quds and demand an end to the Israeli forces’ desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque.

They urged the international community to take a firm stance to protect the holy site and Palestinian lives.

The protesters also called for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador and Amman’s withdrawal from the Jordan-Israeli peace treaty signed in 1994.

Pro-Palestinian rallies, however, have not been limited to Muslim-majority countries. People in Western states, including the US and the UK, also convened to reaffirm their support for Palestinians.

Hundreds gathered outside the Israeli embassy in London on Friday, demanding that Britain stop selling arms to Israel and that Israel stop its aggression against Palestinian worshipers at al-Aqsa Mosque.

Speaking during the event, called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Palestinian ambassador to Britain Husam Zomlot lamented that the occupying Israeli regime gets military assistance while Palestinian people are “labeled in the media as terrorists.”

“This is about what Israel is doing to people in Palestine—we have to support them whether they’re Muslim or not. The British government sells arms to Israel—that’s just one reason to be angry,” a protester told Socialist Worker.

Palestine will be free!

A day earlier, local organizations led an emergency rally at the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles, where speakers told the audience about the recent Israeli atrocities, including the deadly ambush of a caravan of Palestinians headed to a refugee camp in Jenin and the attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque.

The crowd, made up mostly of Palestinian youths, chanted “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free!” and “Long live the Intifada, Intifada Revolution!”

The al-Aqsa Mosque compound has been at the center of weeks of heightened Israeli violence against Palestinian worshipers since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

As a result, at least 19 Palestinians, including three boys and three women, have been killed at the hands of Israeli regime forces and hundreds have been wounded.

The worldwide protests in recent days were followed on Friday and Saturday by a new round of Israeli aggression against Palestinians across the occupied West Bank, including al-Quds, during which a number of Palestinians were arrested and injured.

Also on Friday night, the Israeli military claimed that three rockets were fired into the occupied territories from the Gaza Strip, blaming the Palestinian resistance group Hamas for the alleged rocket attack.

A day earlier, Israeli warplanes raided Gaza over an alleged rocket attack coming from the direction of the blockaded region. Later in the day, Hamas warned that the Israeli airstrike would only strengthen the resolve of the resistance movement to support and defend fellow Palestinians in occupied al-Quds.

Last May saw a major Israeli war on the Gaza Strip that killed over 250 Palestinians and caused extensive damage in Gaza. The war, which lasted for 11 days, ensued weeks of Israeli barbarities against Palestinians in al-Quds, similar to the kind witnessed in recent weeks.

The latest surge in Israeli violence has raised fears of another Israeli war on Gaza.


About Ali Teymoori

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