Home / Announcements / One Day Course: The Role of Women in Islam’s House of Worship

One Day Course: The Role of Women in Islam’s House of Worship

This July IIDR (The Islamic Institute for Development & Research) will be using Dr Jasser Auda’s latest book, Reclaiming the Mosque, to understand the historical lead up to the relationship of Muslim women with the mosque today.

Mosques are safe spaces for prayer, reflection, community and learning. But sadly, so many of the mosques of our time are turning women away and ignoring the norms set out by the Prophet Muhammad (s) in his Medinan mosque all those years ago. It’s time for positive change. Find out why we got here and how we can go back to the prophetic tradition of inclusivity at IIDR’s newest one day course, Reclaiming the Mosque.

On July 7th 2018, IIDR (The Islamic Institute for Development & Research) will be using Dr Jasser Auda’s latest book, Reclaiming the Mosque, to understand the historical lead up to the relationship of Muslim women with the mosque today. The Islamic Institute for Development & Research (IIDR) is a pioneering educational organization. IIDR aspires to make Islamic knowledge and thought relevant for our time and space.

At this one day event, Dr Auda will draw on his own extensive research into this area to guide you through:

  • Historical accounts of women in Islam and the role that they played both in and out of the mosque (even in the battlefield)
    • How to avoid and combat misinterpretations of hadith and Quranic stipulations
    • The original design and layout of the Prophet’s mosque in Medina
    • Dress codes, community interaction and behavioral etiquettes in prayer spaces
    • The emergence of single gender mosques, and much more…

This course is supported by Maqasid Institute and Claritas Books.

Important Dates

Course Date: 7 July, 2018

Venue: London & Online

Tickets:£35.00 (On/Before 1st Jul)

              £45.00 (On/After 2nd Jul)

£29.00 (Online access)

Email: courses@iidr.org

Website: iidr.org

About Ali Teymoori

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