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Nigerian Protesters Call for Release of Sheikh Zakzaky

Hundreds of Supporters of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria rallied in Abuja Friday to demand the release of their leader, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky, who marked 1,000 days in detention Friday.

Supporters of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria have staged a protest in support of their detained leader Ibrahim Zakzaky. The demonstrators called for the immediate release of the prominent cleric. Sheikh al-Zakzaky has remained in detention since he was arrested in December 2015, following a clampdown on his members by soldiers.

The top Shia cleric lost his left eyesight in a raid which was carried out by the Nigerian army on his residence in the northern town of Zaria in December 2015.

During the raid, Zakzaky’s wife sustained serious wounds too and more than 300 of his followers and three of his sons were killed. Zakzaky, his wife, and a large number of the cleric’s followers have since been in custody.

On Friday, the Supporters of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria took to the streets of Abuja brandishing pictures of their members, whom they claimed had been killed by security operatives during past protests.

About Ali Teymoori

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