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New Dar Al-Fatwa Established in Afghanistan

Few days ago, the president of Afghanistan established a New Dar-Al-fatwa (Religious Fatwa Issuance Center) aiming to have a specific address for issuance of religious fatwa in Afghanistan.

As described by officials, this Dar-Al-Fatwa will be fully independent in terms of budget and issuance of fatwa throughout the country. It is also said that the Dar-Al-Fatwa will deals with community problems such as violence against women and children, family and community morality, promotion of administrative ethics and overall giving responses to religious questions through telephone calls.

Also, the members of the Dar-Al-Fatwa will be chosen from among well-expert scholars who have a comprehensive knowledge of the state and are committed to contemporary system life.

source: outlookafghanistan

About Ali Teymoori

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