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Middle East Studies at San Diego University

The Middle East Studies Program offers students an interdisciplinary minor aimed at a comparative study of the Middle East (including North Africa).

About program

The program consists of seven courses, of which at least five must be upper division. Three courses have to deal with the Middle East since the emergence of Islam, as listed here under “Core Courses.” The remaining courses may be chosen from either the Core Courses or the Supporting Courses; and they may be courses dealing with the ancient, medieval, or modern Middle East or a three-quarter (minimum 12 credits) sequence of a Middle Eastern language (in which case only four of the seven courses need to be upper division). Ordinarily, all seven courses must be taken for a letter grade.

The courses that make up the minor must be approved by the student’s college and by the Middle East Studies Program.

Approved courses taken at other universities or through participation in the Education Abroad Program can be included as part of the minor by petition.


For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog, 2017–18, please contact the department for more information.

Core Courses

ANTH 199. Independent Study (Middle East Anthropology)

ANSC 133. Peoples and Culture of the Middle East

HINE 108. The Middle East before Islam

HINE 114. History of the Islamic Middle East

HINE 116. The Middle East in the Age of European Empires

HINE 118. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century

HINE 119. United States Mideast Policy

HINE 126. Iranian Revolution in Historical Perspective

HINE 127. History of Modern Turkey

HINE 166. Nationalism in the Middle East

HINE 186. Special Topics in Middle Eastern History

HINE 199. Independent Study in Near Eastern History

HITO 105. Jews and Judaism in the Modern World

LTWL 141.Islam and Modernity

LTWL 160. Women in Literature: Arabic Women in Literature and Society

POLI 121.Government and Politics of the Middle East

POLI 138D. Special Topics/Comparative Polities: The Arab-Israeli Conflict

SOCI 158.Islam in the Modern World

SOCI 188F. Modern Jewish Societies and Israeli Society

SOCI 199. Independent Study (Middle East Sociology)

TWS 25.Middle Eastern Literatures

Supporting Courses

ANAR 140. Foundations/Social Complex/Near East

ANAR 141. Prehistory of the Holy Land

JUDA 1. Beginning Hebrew

JUDA 2. Intermediate Hebrew

JUDA 3. Intermediate Hebrew Continued

JUDA 101. Introduction to Hebrew Texts

JUDA 102. Intermediate Hebrew Texts

JUDA 103. Advanced Hebrew Texts

HIEU 117. Greece and the Balkans

HINE 102. The Jews in Their Homeland in Antiquity

HINE 103. The Jewish Diaspora in Antiquity

HINE 104. The Bible and the Ancient Near East

HINE 106. The Bible and the Near East: The Writings

HINE 107. Ancient Egypt: History and Culture

HINE 108. The Middle East before Islam

HINE 112A. Great Stories from the Hebrew Bible

HINE 112B. Great Poems from the Hebrew Bible

HINE 113. Ancient Near East Mythology

HINE 160. Special Topics in the Bible and the Ancient Near East

HINE 162. Anthropology and the Hebrew Bible

HINE 163. Topics in the Ancient World

HINE 170. Special Topics in Jewish History

The Program Faculty

Program Director

Hasan Kayali, Associate Professor, History (interim director 2017-18)

Michael Provence, Associate Professor, History (on leave)


Guillermo Algaze, Professor, Anthropology

Eli Berman, Professor, Economics

Suzanne Brenner, Associate Professor, Anthropology

David Goodblatt, Professor Emeritus, History

Hasan Kayali, Associate Professor, History

Sanford E. Lakoff, Professor Emeritus, Political Science

Thomas Levy, Professor, Anthropology

William H. Propp, Professor Emeritus, History

Babak Rahimi, Assistant Professor, Literature

James Rauch, Professor, Economics

Gershon Shafir, Professor, Sociology

Melford E. Spiro, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology

Winifred Woodhull, Associate Professor, Literature

Oumelbanine Zhiri, Professor, Literature

Contact the Center

Address: UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093

Phone: (858) 534-2230

Website: caesar.ucsd.edu

About Ali Teymoori

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