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Middle East and Islamic Studies at University of Louisville

The Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) program strives to promote research and education about Islam and the Middle East to the University community.

About the Center

The Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) program strives to promote research and education about Islam and the Middle East to the University community. Their philosophy is that one must acquire competency in language, social sciences and the humanities to fully understand and appreciate this region. Therefore, the program employs an interdisciplinary approach by offering courses in Arabic language, anthropology, art history, humanities, history, and political science.

Minor in Middle East and Islamic Studies

This program offers an interdisciplinary study of Islam and the Middle East through coursework in anthropology, art history, history, humanities, pan-African studies, political science, sociology, and Arabic language.

Arabic Program
The emergence of the Arabic language on a global scale has inspired the University of Louisville to offer a newly expanded Arabic Program that offers basic, intermediate and advanced courses.


The Middle East & Islamic Studies Program faculty members come from departments within the College of Arts and Sciences. Their course offerings provide a foundation for this interdisciplinary program.

Shereen Abdelhalim, Arabic

Department of Classical and Modern Languages

Bingham Humanities Building Room 330B


Brad Bowman, History

Department of History

101A Gottschalk Hall

(502) 852-1392


Greg Hutcheson, Classical and Modern Languages

Department of Modern Languages

Bingham Humanities Bldg, 323



Gul Marshall, Sociology

Department of Sociology

Lutz Hall



Justin McCarthy, History

Department of History

Gottschalk Hall 301C



Khaldoun Almousily, Arabic

Department of Modern Languages

Bingham Humanities Bldg, 329F



Maryam Moazzen, Islamic Studies

Division of Humanities
Bingham Hall, 214B

Contact the Center

Address: University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone: (502) 852-2429 Phone
Phone: (502) 852-4560 Fax

Program Director: Dr. Julie Peteet

Website: louisville.edu/meis


About Ali Teymoori

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