Home / Fatwa / Merry Christmas from Ayatollahs Sistani and Khamenei’s Points of View

Merry Christmas from Ayatollahs Sistani and Khamenei’s Points of View

Is it permissible for me to say “Merry Christmas” to my non-Muslim classmates, friends, family, neighbors, and others this holiday season?

Ayatollah Sistani’s Answer to Question on saying merry Christmas to Christian people:

Question: What is the ruling on saying assalaamu [alaikum] (Islamic salutation, meaning peace be with you) to the People of the Book or unbelievers? Also, is it permissible to send them seasonal greetings, such as on Christmas?

Answer: There is no harm in initiating the salutation, albeit makrooh (undesirable act) except out of necessity, under whose remit comes urf. Responding to their salutation should be by uttering [the word] alaik (with you). There is no harm in greeting them on their occasions.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer to question about celebrating Christmas:

Question: In common with Christians, some Muslims celebrate Christmas. Is there a problem in that?

Answer: There is no harm in celebrating the birthday of the Holy Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him and our Prophet and his pure progeny).

About Ali Teymoori

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