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Job Position: Postdoc Research “Christian-Muslim Communication” (Univ. Konstanz)

The Research position on Christian-Muslim communication between the medieval Latin-Christian and Arabic-Islamic sphere is to be filled by April 2022 and available for a period of three years.

The successful applicant will be part of a binational research team financed by the British-German AHRC-DFG-project “Interreligious Communication in and between the Latin-Christian and the Arabic-Islamic Sphere: Macro-theories and Micro-settings”. The project will be conducted between the universities of Konstanz (Daniel G. König) and Durham (Theresa Jäckh) from spring 2022 to spring 2025. Its wider aim is to analyse macro-historical theories on Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations against the backdrop of specific corpora of primary sources that give insight into concrete processes of Jewish-Christian-Muslim communication. The project team in Konstanz consists of PI König and the successful applicant. It will focus on processes of communication as documented in letters and dialogues (Latin, Arabic). The project team in Durham consists of PI Jäckh and a second post-doc researcher. It focuses on Jewish–Christian/Muslim communication as documented in legal sources (Hebrew, Latin, Arabic). Both teams will exchange their findings regularly in monthly Zoom-sessions. International networking will be possible during one (optional) research visit at the respective partner university and the team’s organization of one international workshop in Durham. After consultations with the PIs, the successful applicant will work on a delimited corpus of primary sources, which will form the basis of his/her contribution to the general project. Two to two-and-a-half days per week can be used by the successful applicant to pursue his/her own research. Teaching at undergraduate level in the field of medieval history is possible, but not obligatory.


During the three-year period of employment, the successful applicant is asked

– to carry out research on the role of letters and/or dialogues (as documented in historiographical sources) for medieval Christian-Muslim relations in the wider Mediterranean on the basis of a delimited corpus of Arabic and/or Latin texts
– to publish one journal article per year of employment discussing the findings of project-related research
– to produce six short contributions to the online-anthology “Transmediterranean History” (https://wiki.uni-konstanz.de/transmed) on the basis of the analysed source material
– to engage in monthly team sessions discussing the larger issue of Jewish-Christian-Muslim communication
– to assist in the organization of one international workshop and the publication of its papers


– A PhD-degree and an appropriate number of publications depending on the candidate’s experience
– A general interest in the historical relations between Jews, Christians, and Muslims as manifest in the candidate’s track record
– Very good reading skills in Arabic and/or Latin and Romance languages
– German skills are not required but will make communication in Konstanz easier. Within the project, the language of communication is English

Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact +49 7531/88-4016). The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life. As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme (https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/equalopportunities/family/dual-career/).

More detailed information is available from Prof. Dr. Daniel G. König. We look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (short letter of motivation that also includes a short statement on your personal future research, CV, list of publications, and copies of your respective academic degree[s]) in one single pdf-file until 1 February 2022 via e-mail to Mrs Heidi Engelmann, heidi.engelmann@uni-konstanz.de, and Professor König, daniel.g.koenig@uni-konstanz.de.


Heidi Engelmann
E-Mail: heidi.engelmann@uni-konstanz.de

Daniel König
E-Mail: daniel.g.koenig@uni-konstanz.de

For More Information Click Here.

About Ali Teymoori

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