Home / All / Job Opening: Lectureship in Islamic Studies at Cambridge Muslim College

Job Opening: Lectureship in Islamic Studies at Cambridge Muslim College

The post of Lecturer is for the delivery of the College’s BA in Islamic Studies –accredited by the Open University.

This is a unique programme that combines an in-depth study of traditional Islamic disciplines through their primary sources with a study of modern disciplines that equip students with the requisite competence and frameworks to engage intelligently with the questions of faith and modernity.

The College is seeking an outstanding candidate to join its faculty with a specialisationin at least one of three areas:(1) Qur’anic studies, (2) Hadith studies, (3) Islamic theology. Within their area of specialisation, candidates must show a strong grasp of traditional Islamic studies( e.g. tafsīr, naqd and muṣṭalaḥal-ḥadīth, kalamand falsafa)and of contemporary discussions and developments as pertain to these disciplines. For more details, see the Person Specification below.

The post-holder is expected to undertake the following responsibilities:

  • Teach on the BA and other programmes including preparing and teaching modules, devising and assessing coursework and examinations.
  • Engage in teaching, research and administrative tasks with approximate time-division of 40%, 30%, 30% respectively between the activities.
  • Engage in original research in one’s area of specialization by preparing papers, journal articles, book chapters and/or monographs for peer-reviewed publication.
  • Act as a Personal Tutor to students to support their overall intellectual and personal development.
  • Participate as a member of the Faculty Board, including contributing to student assessment and the administration of external validation partnerships.
  • Support the work of the College by engaging in activities that further the College’s mission including participation in public events, lectures, and community engagement.

Job Description

Hours: Full-time/37.5 hours per week

Location: Cambridge, UK

Salary: £36,000 – £42,036 P.A depending on qualifications and experience

Start Date: August 1, 2021 (or as soon as possible thereafter)

Tenure: Three years in the first instance, subject to a probationary review at the end of the first year.

Required Qualifications

  • A Doctorate degree
  • Expertise in traditional Islamic Studies
  • Teaching experience
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and organisational skills relevant to the administrative elements of the role

Application Process

Applications must be sent in writing and include,

  1. A C.V including email address and telephone number, and specifying residential status and right to work in the UK;
  2. Cover letter including details of the applicant’s area of specialization, research agenda, reasons for applying and any relevant experience.
  3. Teaching philosophy and evidence of teaching excellence;
  4. Three references, including at least one academic. References should be sent separately to the College using the details below.

All enquiries concerning the post, applications process, and all application materials, should be sent to CMC HR, either by post to: Cambridge Muslim College, 14 St. Paul’s Road, Cambridge CB1 2EZ

By email (PDF attachments only) to humanresources@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk

Deadline for all applications materials to reach the College is April 30, 2021.

Cambridge Muslim College provides world-class education and research rooted in the rich intellectual and spiritual heritage of the Islamic tradition and responsive to the circumstances of the modern world. Further details about the College can be found here: http://www.cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk.

About Ali Teymoori

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