Home / Conferences / Job Opening: Full Professorship “Islamic Law in the Past and Present”

Job Opening: Full Professorship “Islamic Law in the Past and Present”

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Humboldt University of Berlin, invites applications for a Full Professorship “Islamic Law in the Past and Present.”

This professorship addresses religious jurisprudence (Fiqh), the methodology of law (Usul al-fiqh) and the philosophy of law in the classical canon of Islamic theology. It considers not only jurisprudence in the narrower sense, but also the general life orientation in accordance with religious values. Legal norms and their traditional sources and theoretical foundations will be contextualised and problematised in teaching and research with respect to the conditions of a society in a global context.

The inclusion of different doctrinal currents (in particular Sunna and Shia) and the consideration of gender aspects in the pursuit of justice are desirable. Proven expertise on the part of the professor in a field of secular law is expressly desired. It is expected that the successful candidate will cooperate with related subject disciplines at the Humboldt-Universität.

With respect to teaching, the successful candidate is expected to contribute to the structure of the Bachelor’s programmes, the Master’s programmes in Islamic Theology (in particular with teacher training option) and the Master’s programme “Islam und Gesellschaft”, as well as to the envisaged doctoral programme.

The successful candidate will also be required to support the establishment and self-administration of the Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology.

The applicants must meet the legal requirements for professorial appointments in accordance with § 100 of the ‘Berliner Hochschulgesetz’.

HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Researchers from abroad are welcome to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration background are specifically encouraged to apply.

Important Dates

Application Submission Deadline: 27.09.2018

Venue: Humboldt University of Berlin

Email: berufungen.islamtheo@hu-berlin.de

Website: personalabteilung

Please send your application to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Metzler, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or preferably in electronic form in one pdf file to: berufungen.islamtheo@hu-berlin.de The application should include a sample of fife scholarly publications by the applicant. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.

About Ali Teymoori

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